How it began...I decided to have my first Marta train experience - TopicsExpress


How it began...I decided to have my first Marta train experience on the way home from the airport on a Sunday. I never expected what I encountered. The train was packed full of all different types of Gods people. I looked around curiously, but sat close to the window. I placed my luggage next to me on the aisle way seat hoping to prevent anyone from sitting next to me. I felt estranged and uncomfortable, I had no idea what God was preparing me for! On one of the stops not far from the airport, an older gentleman boarded the train and stumbled his way towards me. I looked away hoping he was not going to sit next to me. By his appearance I assumed he was homeless; he carried multiple plastic bags, was very dirty, smelly, had terribly worn clothes, etc. He began shouting at me You are in the wrong place little lady! That is my seat! You should know better than to sit in a black mans seat! I began to get nervous, looking around to see if anyone was going to come to my aid. He pushed my luggage to the floor and sat VERY close to me. He began pushing on me and telling me that a white woman should know her place. I could feel the lump in my throat getting larger and sweat forming on my hands. I tried to hold back tears and subside my fear, but it was no use. The train stopped at the next station, and I quickly grabbed my bag and jumped off. When I looked back, he was also getting off at this stop, but walked away as though nothing had just happened. I sat down on the bench expecting the next train to arrive any minute. After several minutes and no train, I decided to walk up the stairs and looked around. I was surprised at what I saw; garbage and cardboard boxes lining the fence, people laying on boxes covered with coats, grocery store carts filled with garbage bags, and graffiti on the building walls. I felt I was not in a safe area! I quickly went back down to where the train stops and tried my cell phone. No service. No one around. Bad area. I sat down and began to cry. Soon a lady sat down next to me and said, Youll be ok. trains dont run today like usual. There is only 1 train line, itll be a while before another one comes. I looked up at her with tears in my eyes and said thank you. After what seemed like forever, the next train came. I quickly boarded and made it home safely. The following Sunday at church the pastor was talking about how God allows us to experience situations to help us grow. Then, I remembered not so long ago praying that God would help me to grow to glorify His name. Well, God answered that prayer! I believe He allowed me to encounter that uncomfortable, scary train experience with the homeless man to begin my compassion for Gods forgotten people! I eagerly began researching homeless people in Atlanta and began joining the Atlanta Dream Center in their weekly Compassion Campaign feeding and ministering to the homeless in Atlanta! After several months of doing this, I began feeling there was something more I could do to help the homeless. I didnt want to just give them food, I wanted to find a way to help them get off the streets and live for God! I began listening to different peoples stories and what they needed. A recent church Bible study inspired a friend and I to begin this journey, with Gods blessing of course!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 12:55:18 +0000

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