How it works..... Me and My Shadow By Un Asleep on Saturday, - TopicsExpress


How it works..... Me and My Shadow By Un Asleep on Saturday, March 29, 2014 at 6:45pm Though it is hard for us to really believe sometimes, the world we walk in and experience as our intimate reality is actually nothing less that our *literal* shadow. Literally. Our shadow. Really? Yes. Really. Yikes! :-D But sometimes we don’t like what we see there, do we? And so we don’t want to think we have anything to do with it’s creation and instead prefer to think we are somehow victims of bad luck, or perhaps “someone else” is doing things to us. But that isn’t true. The world is our shadow. Take a few seconds and do me a favor: Hold your left hand up right now. Yes, I’m serious. Do it. Hold it in the light of your phone or computer monitor and look for the shadow it casts. Do you see it? Of course you do. Now, MOVE your hand or wiggle your fingers. What does your shadow do? It follows, doesn’t it? If you change the positions of your hand, the shadow changes too and this is a metaphor of a higher Truth – even more than that, a Law. Now heres the Truth hidden in plain sight: If we change the position of our MIND, then the world changes to follow it. It must. Just like your hand’s shadow follows the positioning of your hand. Why? Because the world isn’t “out there”. Nor does it stand alone. Rather, like in the allegory of Plato’s Cave, WE are casting these shadows... or rather OUR MIND IS. Not your ‘brain’, mind you (ahem :-D) – your mind is your thoughts. SO...if you genuinely change your mental position/perspective/thoughts, then you change your world. Period. But conversely, if you do not do this and instead hold the same or similar mental positions, you WILL experience the same or similar reality. In fact, trying to enact a change superficially through actions that are not supported by this mental change in position will ultimately result in things going back into the same condition as before because these actions had no root. The agreement of your THOUGHTS with your actions is the root it needs, and without it, there is a shelf-life for any seeming results. THINKING about changing your mental position won’t help. WISHING you could change it won’t do it. HOPING that somehow the position might change itself doesn’t actually do it either. It takes genuine movement COUPLED with the agreement and permission of your MIND (which gives it the staying power of a ROOT) to do it. But thats all! Its actually very very easy and youre already DOING it, so no worries about oh will I learn to do this? Youre doing it right *now*, as you read this. Its so easy that you are already doing it without knowing it. Just do it *deliberately* now! :-) In the EXACT same way that you would be required to move your BODY into a different position in order to change the appearance of your shadow, you are also *required* to move your MIND into a different position in order to change the world-shadow you are experiencing. Its how its done and has always been done since (literally) the beginning of Time. So much so that in fact, we do it 100% of the time – we just aren’t aware that it is US who is doing it! And the really good news is, if we’re doing it, then there is nothing to learn is there? No. Well, not much. The only thing you have to learn is how to direct your thoughts into the direction you want to go. SO… do we accomplish this mind-moving business? Pragmatically? Here’s an example: Do you any of you believe that “the world” is going to require that (for example) you must work hard at a job you don’t enjoy? Check and see. Ill wait. ;-) What did you find? If that’s the case, I bet I can guess what kind of job you are experiencing then. Not a very fun one, I bet. ;-) How do we fix this? Insert a new thought and hold on to it. Easier said than done though, right? Right. ;-) So, a tactic that I frequently use with remarkable success is one where I simply “entertain the possibility that what I want could come into being”. I don’t worry about the HOW. I just move my mind into thinking that it COULD be. Like a small child depending on their parents, I don’t worry about the how of it. I just ask, and expect. In this case, I would simply challenge the idea that I “had to work a job I didn’t enjoy”. I mean, who says I do? Who says? The awful Truth is, *I* say that I do…with my thought/belief/fear. And that’s the thought I’ve got to change. I don’t have to worry about how it will come into being. All I have to do is permit the IDEA that it CAN come into being. And if I successfully do that, watch out! Here it comes. :-) Is it that easy? Can it be that easy? It is. It certainly is. And the good news is that it can be used to make any change that you want. Because the sad Truth is, we’re the author of these things we don’t want. But the GOOD news is, we can change them as easily as we created them.....if we will only DARE to. That is the problem….we concede and are defeated before we even try. We must DARE. Instead, just move your mind into a different thought/position and watch your world effortlessly immediately follow you! I know - It sounds too good to be true, too easy to possibly work, but it *does*! I hope each of you try this and post your amazing results here for others to be inspired by, because you WILL have the changes that you seek. We only have to try. Each and every moment of every day your world listens attentively to you, waiting for you to tell it how it should be. Don’t concede to what you think must be. Redefine. You already define it. Redefine it. It costs you nothing. It costs *another* nothing, in fact, as YOU rise into the conscious creation of your world, you make it easier for OTHERS to also consciously create. There is no lack. The storehouses are full. We must only call them.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 12:32:57 +0000

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