How language changes views of the Israeli - Palastinian Conflict - TopicsExpress


How language changes views of the Israeli - Palastinian Conflict Over Gaza By Randa Abdel-Fattah Sydney Morning Herald, Randa Abdel-Fattah is the author of nine books and a doctoral candidate at Macquarie University. Self-defence. Occupation. Apartheid. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is as much a struggle over language as it is a battle over land. Military might has always relied on an effective propaganda campaign to distinguish aggressor from victim. When Alice asks Humpty Dumpty whether words can mean so many different things he answers, ‘‘the question is ... which is to be master’’. For Western nations, including Australia, Israel’s narrative dominates as master. Palestinians who resist are ‘‘terrorists’’; Israel’s policies are not ‘‘apartheid’’; boycotts are ‘‘anti-Semitic’’. Yet the purported moral force that drives Israel’s occupation machinery is eroding, exposing the disingenuous language deployed by Israel and its supporters to advance Israeli occupation and colonisation. The meanings attributed by Israel to ‘‘self-defence’’ or ‘‘proportionate’’ are increasingly exposed as questionable or false. Israel’s occupation relies on US and European support. Australia’s complicity lies in offering moral support to what many regard as an immoral state. While persisting with the rhetoric of supporting ‘‘a just and lasting two-state solution’’, the Abbott government has worked to ‘‘restore the Australia-Israeli friendship’’ – following the Gillard government’s abstention rather than vote against a symbolic upgrade to Palestine’s UN status in 2012. Questioning whether settlements are ‘‘illegal’’, as well as indicating that Israel should not be forced to comply with the 1949 Geneva Conventions, are moves defended because the government cannot support ‘‘one-sided’’ resolutions. One wonders how else the UN is to address a country’s violation of international law. Presumably by applying the kind of moral relativity that impugns Israel’s actions and insists on an understanding of illegal settlements that differs from international law. The Abbott government also challenged the defined legal status of East Jerusalem. ‘‘Occupied’’, Attorney-General George Brandis declared, was ‘‘neither appropriate nor useful’’, and reference to historic events was ‘‘unhelpful’’. In ignoring history, Brandis demonstrates why Australia’s stance lacks moral power. It is wilful blindness to ignore Israel’s expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland in 1948. The Occupation – ‘‘with a capital O’’ which the Australian government declines to use – is directly linked to the expulsion of Palestinians in 1948 and the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza in 1967. To argue history is ‘‘unhelpful’’ is to deny the Palestinian narrative, expunge Palestinian pain and identity, and deflect attention from the legitimacy of a racial state. One has to credit a military juggernaut and a covertly nuclear state for its success in framing itself as victim even as it bombs a largely defenceless population. Even as Israel plays warden over Gaza, which has been described as the world’s largest open-air prison, it perpetuates the myth that it is a state perpetually fighting for its survival. It claims Gazans pose a threat to its security – the same Gazans who are subjected to a crippling blockade the aim of which, as Israeli prime ministerial adviser Dov Weissglass described, is ‘‘to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger’’. In response to rocket fire from Gaza, Israel claims to be acting to ‘‘protect’’ itself via Operation Protective Edge, bombing the most densely populated place in the world. Despite the horrific destruction, the Australian government has disregarded Palestinian suffering. After the kidnapping and killing of three Israeli teens, Tony Abbott wrote to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressing sorrow and condemning ‘‘the shameful act ... as we do all acts of terrorism’’. It is reasonable to question why Israel’s acts of terror are seldom condemned in comparable terms. Statements made by Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop in recent days reveal the extent to which the Abbott government is willing to maintain the fiction of Israel as victim. While Hamas’ firing on civilians is unacceptable and rightly condemned, the fact is that Hamas’ rockets have resulted in the death of one Israeli while Israel’s offensive has to date killed almost 250 Palestinians, 80 per cent of whom are civilians. Indeed, Australians have been evacuated from Gaza but not from Tel Aviv, demonstrating that the government recognises that the threat to life exists in Gaza and not in Tel Aviv. What then is to be made of the fact that while recognising where the real danger lies, it is the rockets coming into Tel Aviv that Bishop has repeatedly emphasised? The overall approach taken by Australia’s political leadership is disturbing. Even as Israel drops bombs on Gaza, the ‘‘peace process’’ and ‘‘two-state solution’’ are reaffirmed. What is the logic that sustains this charade? Arguably, it is a logic in which ‘‘just peace’’ takes a Humpty Dumpty meaning of ‘‘just peace for Israel’’. It is only possible to systematically ignore the trauma experienced by Palestinians by privileging the humanity of one group (Israelis) above the other, arguably because of Australia’s affinity with Israel as a colonial-settler project. It is the fantasy of colonisers and their sympathisers that Palestinians should accept the status quo and can be anaesthetised with the illusory promise of a two-state solution. This is a fantasy because the two-state solution is dead. The Palestine Papers leaked to al-Jazeera in 2011 demonstrated that the peace process was always a farce. Aggressive settlement expansion (tacitly supported by this government) has rendered a contiguous Palestinian state impossible. A Palestinian state without access to the River Jordan or the mountain aquifers in the West Bank is not a viable state. And yet the Abbott government – like its Gillard, Rudd and Howard predecessors – advocates this fantasy. In championing a ‘‘two-state solution’’ and ‘‘peace process’’, and demonising those who call for non-violent resistance via the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions movement, Australia sends a message to Palestinians: we are operating according to Israel’s language where ‘‘two-state solution’’ means no state (indeed Netanyahu this week declared that Israel would never relinquish security control of the West Bank), peace process means pretence, and BDS means anti-Semitism. In my view Israel will eventually become so isolated because of its brutalisation of the Palestinian people that it will be held to account under international law. Australia’s unwavering support for Israel places it on the wrong side of history. It is high time Australia realised that pursuing an ethical and honest approach to the conflict is in the interests of Palestinians and Israelis. Sydney Morning Herald By RANDA ABDEL-FATTAH
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 08:34:58 +0000

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