How many businesses have you joined in the past 3 months?? - TopicsExpress


How many businesses have you joined in the past 3 months?? Honestly if I was the same person I was last year, which was being a pro at chasing shiny objects, I would have probably said 3 or 4 myself... ...But this year, I am proud to say that I have been loyal to 1 company and 1 company only. ...I gotta tell you, it was tough at times... Especially when other great leaders are semi-pitching me to join their businesses. Im sure many of them were great too, and I could have definitely benefited by earning a lot more money from it! But over the year, one of the most important things I learned was to look out for others first ...and help them get whatever they want, and I will eventually get everything that I want in life. The only reason I was able to stay committed to 1 company was simply because I didnt want to distract any one of my team members. I know the troubles that come from hopping around business to business... and most importantly, the time that is wasted. I was serving to protect. There is always talk going on every single day about the Internet Lifestyle Network or ILN. Sometimes its good talk and sometimes its bad talk, but what I know is, the business is HOT! None of it affects what I am doing. I have had the opportunity to help over 400 people in my YOUtopia Movement... This would have never been possible without the Internet Lifestyle Network. The advantage that ILN has is TEAM DUPLICATION. Thats all that matters in the end. I respect everyone that is on their grind! I sincerely hope for their success! I hope to continue to impact people in a positive way, not a negative way. I love you all!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 00:15:01 +0000

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