How many drug addicts are you willing to kill to let big-city - TopicsExpress


How many drug addicts are you willing to kill to let big-city political machines buy off their constituents with a short-sighted scheme that will put all of us at an increased risk of burglary, robbery, rape, or death? Proposition 47: NO ON 47!!!!! NO ON 47!!!!! NO ON 47!!!!! NO ON 47!!!!! Proposition 47 is, by far, the worst idea floated in California. EVER. Its worse than even Prop 215 (Even most pot advocates will tell you that 215 is a total mess.) Maybe a hundred thousand addicts were saved in the last 20 years because of Prop 36 and Drug Courts. Those programs allowed people who were on a highway to hell a chance to save themselves. Those programs work because they have TEETH. Failing either of them used to mean state prison. It was drastically watered down 2 years ago with AB 109, but “County Prison” is SOMETHING. What Prop 47 will do is eliminate ANY incentive to stay and work those programs. If all simple possession charges become misdemeanors, there will be ZERO incentive to put in the work necessary to save their own lives. Ask somebody that got their life back after graduating those programs- they will tell you that the felony consequences were a key stick, and that avoiding them was a HUGE carrot. Without those, they would have stayed addicted, and would have died in the hell of addiction. Its just this simple- if Prop 47 passes, hundreds, if not thousands, of addicts will die every year because they could not be forced into treatment. Also, changing virtually all economic crime under $950 into a misdo would be an economic catastrophe. Once you have a few convictions on your RAP, a misdemeanor is like a traffic ticket. ESPECIALLY after AB 109, the odds of a misdemeanant tasting a jail pillow have become almost zero. That means that most misdemeanors are punishable virtually by a fine alone, and there is no real way to force them to pay. Most fines and fees get turned over to county collections, and their only enforcement mechanism is taking tax returns that most criminals never get, anyway. Imagine the legions of garden-variety criminals that will no longer have any incentive not to rip off the local WalMart or BestBuy. And if you hate those companies, imagine that independent bookstore or soap and lotion boutique on the corner. As long as the items in the cart total less than $950, the worst that will happen is a book and release. Retailers will close and move, leaving only a few megastores that can post guards at the exits and roaming the aisles. Want to shop in North Korea? Then vote for Prop 47. NO ON 47!!!!! NO ON 47!!!!! NO ON 47!!!!! NO ON 47!!!!! Finally, Prop 47 guts the “broken windows” theory that saved New York in the 90s. With no possible consequence for the little crimes that, when added up, make life unbearable for actual taxpayers, the bigger criminals become emboldened and the good people give up. For Chicoans, its really this simple- If you like what City Plaza is like now, just wait and see what its like after Prop 47. It’s about a 4 now. Prop 47 would make it something WAY past 11. I cannot be strident enough about this- Prop 47 will lead to misery, pain, and death. If the devil could write a ballot proposition, he couldn’t do much better than 47. NO ON 47!!!!! NO ON 47!!!!! NO ON 47!!!!! NO ON 47!!!!! NO ON 47!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 04:57:56 +0000

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