How many lies have to be told by our Governments and privately-ran - TopicsExpress


How many lies have to be told by our Governments and privately-ran Corporations masquerading as State-own entities before people will recognise the truth of the matter? IO. The CDC, a private corporation operating with a government charter, owns the patent on Ebola. This would only be possible if Ebola had already mutated from its original state. This means that it was more than likely weaponized. Maybe we should ask the boys at Ft. Dietrich how that could happen? Having the CDC oversee the diagnosis, institute mythical containment procedures and subsequent treatment is like having the fox watch the henhouse. Because the CDC owns the patent to Ebola and all strains within 70% of the original pathogen, they will make money on all treatment of Ebola through royalties because treatment would constitute a violation of their intellectual property rights under US patent law. The inescapable conclusion is that the CDC will make money on the spread of Ebola throughout the United States. If this is such an outrageous allegation, then I publicly call on the CDC to renounce all claims to intellectual property rights on Ebola and any resulting treatments. I make the same challenge to the NIH who owns the patent on the 8 year old vaccine for Ebola created by Crucell. Until these public renouncements take place, I heretofore refer to the CDC as the Center for Disease Creation and the NIH as the National Institute of Harm. I am also calling on President Obama to revoke the charters that allows the CDC and the NIH to act with impunity as a monopoly with selfish purposes being perpetrated upon the people of this nation. dcclothesline/2014/10/04/cdc-un-forced-admit-ebola-airborne/
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 22:44:04 +0000

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