How many mexicans does it take to screw in a light bulb? Juan - TopicsExpress


How many mexicans does it take to screw in a light bulb? Juan (that joke was so retarded I had to post it) ----- Why do mexicans have small stearing wheels? so they can drive with handcuffs on ----- Why dont Mexicans play hide and seek? Cause nobody will look for them? ----- Whats a mexicans favorite book store? Borders ----- What do u call mexicans on a trampapoline? Mexican jumping beans ----- What do you call a mexican on a riding lawnmower? Promoted ----- What do you call a building full of Mexicans? Jail ----- What does a mexican get 4 christmas? Your TV ----- Why are mexicans and basketball players a like? they both run jump shoot and steal ----- What do you call one Mexican on the moon? A problem. What do you call two mexicans on the moon? A bigger problem. What do you call all of the mexicans on the moon? Problem solved ----- Why arent there any mexicans in hell? they jumped the border ----- Why do mexicans wear their baseball cap with the brim up? So they have a place to keep their taco. ----- what do you call a mexican who;s had his car stolen? Carlos ----- why do mexicans put there names on their car so they dont steal them ----- what do mexicans and vending machines have in common? they both take your money and dont work. ----- Why do mexicans wear pointed boots? Because it makes it easier to get over a fence. ----- what did the mexican say to the house that fell on him get off me homes ----- How do you keep mexicans from stealing? Put everthing on the top shelf. ----- What did Davy Crocket say when he saw all the mexicans running towards the alamo? Who ordered concrete? ----- What is the difference between a Mexican and an elevator? One can raise a child. ----- What do you call a Mexican with a new car? A felon ----- Why are there no Mexicans in Star Trek? They dont work in the future either! ----- Did you hear about the two car pile-up in the Walmart parking lot? 50 Mexicans died ----- Why do mexican kids walk around school like they own the place? Because their dads built it and their mom clean it. ----- Whats a mexicans favorite sport? cross country ----- Why cant mexicans play uno? Because they always steal the green card ----- 2 mexicans are in a car, who is driving? A cop ----- Why cant mexicans be firemen? They cant tell the difference between jose and hose b ----- Why were there only 5,000 mexican soldiers at the battle of Alamo? They only had 2 vans. ----- What do you call a group of stoned mexicans? Baked beans ----- When a Mexican runs into a wall whats the first thing that hits? His Lawn Mower ----- How do you stop a Mexican tank? Shoot the guy pushing it. ----- What is the difference between a Mexican and a bucket of crap...? the bucket ----- What do you call a mexican baptism? Bean dip ----- What do you call a mexican that cant do any thing? A mexicant ----- What is the difference between a pizza and a mexican? A pizza can feed a family of four ----- What do you get when you cross a Mexican and a black person? Somebody too lazy to steal. ----- What do you call a mexican that is barefoot and stepped in poop with his toe? A PUTO ----- If there was a maze with with a million dollars in the center who do you think would win: the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, a smart mexican, or dumb mexican? The dumb mexican, the rest dont exist. ----- Why dont mexicans cross the border in 3s? Because it says no trespassing ----- What do you call a midget mexican? Paragraph because he is to short to be an essay ----- Why doesnt the border have electric wires? Because Mexicans will steal the electricity to power their house. ----- Why are Mexicans so short? They all live in basement apartments.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 06:00:12 +0000

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