How many of theses videos must we see per year of kids scared of - TopicsExpress


How many of theses videos must we see per year of kids scared of going back to school because they are bullied for any reason imaginable? I went through the pain of being bullied, ive cried and cried, scared to go to school everyday not knowing what was awaiting me in school. would i be strangled again? would i receive ice blocks behind the head outside? would i have people looking at me like im ET? Would i receive student items behind the head during class? Would a teacher still ignore what i went through so it makes their day easier without emotions? If you are a parent and your kid tells you s/he is being bullied in school, DO NOT say they are just kids! If you are a teacher and a student comes to you asking for help, DO NOT ignore it! If you are a kid/teenager yourself and you see someone being bullied in front of you or you hear about it, take a step forward and rescue them, you may save a life by helping and showing you CARE. Teach your kids self respect so they can respect others. Teach them to act toward others as they wish to be treated. DO NOT close your eyes in front of bullying. I do not want to hear this year that a kid committed suicide because they couldnt handle the bullying anymore. Im almost 33 yrs old and i cant even go to special events to the school i used to go without shaking or feeling threatened. Some people gets over the bullying once they get out of school, others like me keep invisible scars for the rest of their life.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 22:34:43 +0000

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