How many of us are guilty of living on auto pilot. Still in the - TopicsExpress


How many of us are guilty of living on auto pilot. Still in the same job or same industry year after year, but its not your passion. It doesnt truly satisfy U. You just keep doing it because its what u have always done. It pays the bills and u just go thru the motions. Ive been there, absolutely!! But 18 months ago I took a $20,000 pay cut to go into an industry that has always been my passion... Health & Fitness. I had always been in jobs I had enjoyed, but none of them were my true passion. Its taken some struggles ... a lot of struggles... Its been some of the hardest months of my life!! Taking such a huge pay cut and stepping right out of my comfort zone. I even threw the towel in on my passion because the pay cut and job werent the right fit... It didnt feel right going back into corporate when fitness, health and wellness were my passion. But I did. I went back to corporate because it was safe. Well, then life took control and EVERYTHING went pear shaped and I ended up back in fitness again. A blessing, which at the time I didnt see. Life has a way of leading U on ur true path, I had started the wheels in motion..... And today, I am so grateful I did as an opportunity beyond my wildest dreams presented itself. So Yes, U exist ... But do u live!! Are u happy ... Truly happy in what u do? If you havent found it yet, keep looking. Dont settle. Its never too late. Im 36 and have only just found it!!! U may not get it right the first time, in fact U will probably fail.... but set ur dreams in motion. Dont settle for average ... U deserve GREAT and u will be!! U are capable of so much more than u realise. Go out there and be HAPPY living the life you LOVE and doing what it is you are PASSIONATE about. Thats when u are truly living life to the fullest! *this clip is a MUST WATCH!!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 06:40:28 +0000

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