How many of us can swear and confidently beat our chests to say we - TopicsExpress


How many of us can swear and confidently beat our chests to say we worship God not money. I dont think we can see any, and if we see then it will be 1:1,000,000, that is, one in every one million persons. We worship God not because we want to but because we expected Him to bless us with His bounties for worshipping Him. Not really that we truly belief in God messages but we see it in a way that if we serve Him perhaps He will bless our earthly desires, and not really bothered about heavenly desires or eternal bliss. Who cares they say. We cry to Him when we are famished and impoverished but when we receive our needs we relegate Him to the background and worship our possessions. Have we forgotten that we do not really earn our possessions, we were given, thank to His mercy. We live in the opulence of our wealth and riches, wriggle in the affluence of our social status and position thereafter forgetting the inevitable demise. What a forgetting imperfect mortals. When death come calling uninvited we realized that our struggles in piling worldly possession only end up in vain. In fact, it is vanity. The excessive love for money kindled oppression, suppression, violence, killing, destruction and anarchy. Man kill man mostly because of worldly material. The more quest for wealth and power the more mankind existence becomes uncertain and endangered. They troops to churches and mosques every Sunday and Monday drumming, singing, dancing and praying yet the content of their hearts is evil. They live by lies and every of their utterance and actions differ from what they claimed to be. People worship God base on conditions. They hop from one church to another seeking good life and riches. In fact, salvation is never in their agenda but prosperity. Unfortunately, the so called men of God (who is man of Satan) capitalized on this avoidable gullibility to milk the ill-informed hypnotized morons. Today every little space become church and every damned sinful mortal become the anointed ones. Touch not my anointed, they say, even when the so called Anointed erred spiritually and physically. Congregations are like zombies. They are asked to pay Tithes that enrich the General Overseers and their immediate families thereby building business empires for them whereas the poor congregations go hungry and never do well. God do not need our money but our attention. A Giver of riches and wealth does not seek our dirty possession. God ask us to Tithes for take care of the church and needy members of the congregations. Does God ask us to kill for His sake. No, I dont think so. God is Omnipotent and Omniscience, therefore, He is capable of doing everything and He has dominion over all. God do not ask any one of us to kill or destroy. He does that if He want to. God does not seek intervention of His creations in all situations, it is us that seek Him. For those bearded hyenas and wolves in white robes and turbans, wielding AK47 and RPG they are not representing the true teaching of Islam. There is no connotation between terrorism and Islam. Candidly, terrorism is alien to Islam. If the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) had ordered the slaughtering of Makkans when the city fell to him there would not have been people like Abu Bakr, Uthman, Usman and host of his companions. We heard of Khalid (the sword of Allah) who was once antagoniser and oppressor of Muslims and later became an iconic figure in Islam. What of Yusuf Islam, Imam Estes, Imam Bilal and others, who were Christian musicians, priests, scientists and today they are great Islamic scholars. If they have been killed will their corpses become Muslims and be of great service to Islam. In a nutshell, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Ansar, ISIS and others are political offshoot of some satanic organizations employed to discredit Islam and promote hatred toward the Muslim Global community. The worst of all injustice is when the sin of a single person is used to define all. God loves us, He created a beautiful planet for us to abide in peace and harmony. Though there are calamities and misfortunes, not deliberate to punish us but to make us resilient and persevere for a purpose best known to Him. In conclusion, God is being misrepresented by those we placed our spiritual life unto. God is peace and love. God is not of destruction. May He continue to guide us, ameen. Lateef K. Salami 9:45 am, 14/09/14
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 08:49:13 +0000

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