How many of us have seen the movie, “Pay It Forward”? It’s a - TopicsExpress


How many of us have seen the movie, “Pay It Forward”? It’s a movie about a 12-year-old’s plan to make a difference in the world. Motivated by a teacher at his school, Trevor invites a homeless man to sleep in his garage. Unaware that he did this, his mother wakes up one evening to find the man working on her truck. Holding him at gunpoint, she asks him to explain himself. He shows her that he has successfully repaired her truck and tells her about Trevor’s kindness. He says, “I’m just paying it forward.” Pretty cool! And I think this is what Jesus had in mind in one of His last conversations with His disciples. He wanted to show them the full extent of His love. So before their last meal together, He took off His outer garment, wrapped a towel around His waist, and began to wash His disciples’ feet. This was shocking because only slaves washed feet! It was an act of servanthood and a symbol that pointed to Jesus’ sacrifice, passion, and humiliation on the cross. His request to His disciples was: “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet”. They were to “pay it forward.” Imagine how different our world would look if we gave the kind of love to others that God has given us through Jesus. Lesson for today - to know love, we open our heart to Jesus - to show love, we open our heart to others. Let’s make sure we do both – today!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 12:20:36 +0000

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