How many of you know I was a pro-Israel Christian twelve years - TopicsExpress


How many of you know I was a pro-Israel Christian twelve years ago? Many have asked how I woke up. Its a long story, but the one defining moment after 9-11 was when Bush said, They hate our freedom. I recognized that had to be a lie, and I began to search for the truth. I began to research that basic question: Why would people hate freedom? Twelve years later, Ive discovered who hates our freedom. It is not Muslims. It is Zionist Israel and its well-oiled machine of deception that keeps people blinded to their aim to take away our freedom. Articulating this truth is not an easy thing to do. All the years of my life, I was told that Israel was prophecy being fulfilled right before my eyes. I was told the Jewish people had suffered and just wanted to live in peace in a tiny, little country where their mean neighbors just hated Jews. I watched news reports that showed suicide bombings of Israeli civilians, which proved to me, at the time, that Israel was facing horrific chaos from people who just hated Jews. Then 9-11. I watched my country become a nation of fearful and angry haters. I paid attention in the aftermath of 9-11 and watched as our government refused to conduct an investigation, then after public outcry, conducted a whitewashing investigation that answered nothing. It was an empty exercise designed not answer any questions, but to give the appearance that questions had been addressed. I realized something was wrong. To this day, none of us know what really happened on 9-11. Those of us who realize our government stuck to their story from the beginning and instituted a cover-up are left in deep distrust. The enemy, once again, were vague. A little group of terrorist, lead by a rag-tag man living in a cave? This American wanted to know more. In my research, I kept being directed to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and getting my head out of mainstream American media, I soon learned why this conflict has gone on for so long. I discovered that everything I had been told about who hated who was completely backward. I compared what I had discovered with what was being said on TV news, and I realized the American people are completely propagandized. This realization left me in deep distrust of media. In 2008 I believed the hope and change line of Obama, then watched as he backed immunity for the Bush administration. I knew at that moment there was no hope for change. I was left with deep distrust again for government and realized the two political parties are a mirage of entertainment for the American people -- they are both treasonous to American citizens. Also in 2008, I joined FB and began discussing Israel-Palestine with both Israelis and Palestinians. I began reading Israeli news and after the 2008-2009 massacre in Gaza, I made friends on FB with two Muslim Palestinians. I was amazed. They were nothing like what Id been told. They were kind, intelligent, well-educated, and they never once indicated hate for Israel, Jews, America, Americans, Christianity or Jesus! I also made friends with Israelis who were against the occupation. One of them spent tens of hours translating Israeli news videos and used my YouTube account (for fear of the Shin Bet) to upload them to the world -- thinking each time that this information would open Americas eyes to what was happening and would crash down the propaganda fed to Americans. Tens of thousands across the world watched these videos, a few in Washington, DC, but nothing changed. I then wondered why Christians would support injustice of this kind and realized that Christians, like me, didnt know the truth. I started Christians United for Peace on FB. Over the course of the last 3 years, my eyes have further been opened through the attacks from Zionists, both Christian and Jewish, here at the group. I traveled to Palestine, both the West Bank and Gaza, in 2012-2013 to see for myself the land and people where so much suffering occurs. Again, I was amazed that everything Id been told about Palestinians were lies, dehumanizing lies! The word dehumanizing kept ringing through my thoughts and it dawned on me that this is the key -- this is the root of the problem -- one side, the Palestinians are denigrated as terrorists, while the Israelis, the Jews, are elevated to be nothing less than gods. And where does this all come from -- this dehumanization of one side and the elevation of the other side? Rabbinical Judaism -- Zionism is Rabbinical Judaism that works 24/7/365 to incrementally dispossess all human rights from every person on earth. The way to see this truth is through the Jewish Laws for Gentiles. Yes, they hate us for our freedom -- our freedom to worship Jesus Christ. If Christians do not wake up, that freedom will disappear. You are being trapped into total destruction of what you profess to value most -- Jesus. Too few of us are willing to oppose this political evil, the true haters of our freedom!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 08:43:03 +0000

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