How many of you remember the name of Percy Ross? Mr. Ross was a - TopicsExpress


How many of you remember the name of Percy Ross? Mr. Ross was a Minniapolis businessman who made and lost a lot of money in his life, however he was a wealthy man none the less. In 1983 he started a newspaper column called, Thanks A Million which appeared weekly in newspapers all over the country until 1999. Mr. Ross would buy toys and bikes and give them to needy children, hed give cash and checks to people he felt was in need. People would write to him with needs ranging from a pair of eyeglasses to cars and other things. He had people that would research the needs and if they were legit, he would answer them in his column and send them a check for the need. As I understand it, when he died (date unknown), he had given almost all his wealth away. Wow, this man knew what was important in life, that is helping other people. Reminds me of my daddy, he knows whats important in life too.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 01:25:20 +0000

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