How many of you think that you have to please others all the time - TopicsExpress


How many of you think that you have to please others all the time or try to fit in with people ? If you know in ur heart that you have the power to make things write with someone in ur life , in ur past then my advice to you is do so even if they dont wanna accept ur forgiveness or that person jus wants you out of their life it doesnt matter . I wanna share something with you . Are u trying to win the approval of human beings or GOD? If ur living ur life trying to please people still u would not be a servant of CHRIST ! . That is not ur job . 1Corinthians4:3-4 says I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court ;indeed, I do not even judge myself . My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the LORD who judges me . My friends dont worry about pleasing others , or people who might judge you forgive give and make things right regardless of what people might think of you . My friends GOD sees ur hearts desire and HIS love for you and all of us is and always will be everlasting !! Everyone have a great week love J .
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 18:15:45 +0000

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