How many people does it take to change a light bulb at Wrigley? - TopicsExpress


How many people does it take to change a light bulb at Wrigley? Three. One to change the bulb and two to talk about how great the old one was. What did Jesus say to the Cubs last time he was on Earth? Don’t do anything ’til I get back. Does anyone know what they call winning teams in Chicago? Visitors. Did you hear about the new Cubs soup? Two sips and then you choke. Why don’t the Cubs use the internet? Because they can’t get 3 “W’s” in a row. How do you turn a Cubs fan into a pancake? Throw an “Old Style” in front of an on-coming bus. What do you call a Cubs player with a World Series ring? A thief. What do Michael Jackson and the Chicago Cubs have in common? They both wear one glove for no apparent reason.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 16:52:33 +0000

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