How many times do Democratic partisans and lesser-of-two-evil - TopicsExpress


How many times do Democratic partisans and lesser-of-two-evil voting ninnies have to be jilted at the alter before they begin to establish a working relationship with reality? For example, in the case of Obamacare, Obama let Big Insurance operatives vet the bill and red pencil anything not to their liking before the bill was sent to Congress for a final vote. Yet Democratic Party loyalist insist that it is Republican intransigence that is responsible for the bills failings, including the bill being bereft of a Public Option plan, when the bill was a Trojan Horse all along designed to pad the (off shore) bank accounts of Big Insurance oligarchs and destroy the possibility of Universal Healthcare for generations to come. There is one party in the U.S. i.e., the party of corpocrats and perpetual war. Just take a gander at the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) a trade agreement, that Obama, stalwart bagman for One Percent, cooked-up in secret with his corporatist benefactors. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is NAFTA on steroids, and outright surpasses the noxious notion of corporate personhood and codifies corporate nationhood. The mendacity that wrought the ACA…is only part and parcel of the set-up. This situation does not involve Republican obstructionism nor Democrats endowed with the backbones of custard eclairs. Not even close. It involves the complicity of both parties in corporate rule. dissenter.firedoglake/2013/11/13/wikileaks-reveals-provisions-of-trans-pacific-partnership-agreement-where-countries-oppose-united-states/
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 00:05:13 +0000

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