How many times have I learned something from someone that I least - TopicsExpress


How many times have I learned something from someone that I least expected it from? I also need to not jump to conclusions about people based on appearance or status. I also shouldn’t judge people because 99 times out of 100 I get proved wrong. Here’s a case in point. Recently I was giving a talk on the missions in Haiti to raise money. The row directly in front of me had this gorgeous woman who I had a hard time keeping my eyes off of. When the collection basket was passed she didn’t even put in as much as a dollar. Right away I judged her and said to myself “this beautiful woman doesn’t care about anyone but herself.” I know that was wrong but I’m just being truthful here because God taught me once again why I should leave the judging up to him. When my talk was done and the Mass was over I was in the vestibule of the church thanking everyone for having me and low and behold here comes that beautiful woman with her checkbook in hand and says” can I write you a check?” I said yes and she made it out for $200. Wow did I get that one wrong. Lesson learned, again. I have to keep little reminders like that story so the next time I get ready to judge I can catch myself and just give whoever the person might be the benefit of a doubt. I’ve been wrong so many times about other people. Having not walked in their shoes, not knowing what’s going through their minds I cannot honestly make a good judgment call on what I think they are doing or feeling. Looking at someone obese it would be easy to just call them lazy or fat slobs. But maybe they have a condition, thyroid problems, slow metabolism or any other number of health problems that stop them from losing weight. I remember being at church and watching people not kneel up straight during communion and I would say look at those lazy people. Well then I ended up with major back problems and I myself couldn’t kneel up straight any longer. Was I lazy? Of course not. I had a back issue that just would not allow me to kneel straight. How many people did I judge in church who could have had the same issue? I’m learning to live and let live. There is no need for me to continue to pour out minute directions on how someone else should act. If I just concentrated on my own self I really wouldn’t have time to correct anyone else. Correcting my self is a full time job.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 19:59:02 +0000

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