How many times have you heard a Democrat or a left leaning pundit - TopicsExpress


How many times have you heard a Democrat or a left leaning pundit say that Republicans, by not supporting ‘free’ contraception for women, want to ‘deny’ women access to birth control? I know it’s ridiculous, and no one but no one is denying anyone anything. The brilliance of the Democrat rhetoric however, is something that works and works very well nearly 100% of the time. It’s called emotion, and the Democrats are masters at injecting it into everything. They know full well how once emotion gets figured into the equation…they’ll raise money and win elections, and for the most part, they do. There’s no doubt that the Democrats have relied on emotion to advance their agenda, increase their numbers, raise money, elect a President, and dismantle the greatest legal document in the history of world. They’ve used it to advance global warming (now known as climate change because it sounds more scientific and less political), the minimum wage, Obamacare, amnesty, and now, the war on women just to name a few. They know full well how the uninformed will take their emotion to the ballot box to vote for what they perceive to be their conscience when it’s actually, for lack of a better word, ignorance. Emotion, to the Democrats, is their ‘solution’ for everything, whiles ours, on the other hand, is yet to be determined. Start providing and promoting real plans and solutions and we’ll begin winning General Elections. Fail to do so, and we’ll have to be satisfied with moral victories and Primary Elections only. History has already proven my point, so what do we have to lose.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 21:26:16 +0000

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