How many times have you seen a child on one of these harnesses and - TopicsExpress


How many times have you seen a child on one of these harnesses and thought or even said,that child is not a dog!!? I know people say things like this because, we have heard it first hand! My grandson is NOT a dog! He has never been treated as a dog, nor would he ever be! For those parents who have never had to walk in our shoes, I want to enlighten you on why parents might consider using these harnesses on their child! When our grandson was almost 2 1/2, he was playing in his sandbox right outside the garage, where my husband was at. My husband is an amazing grandfather and has always been very good at helping keep an eye on Michael when he would be outdoors with him. My husband turned his back for not even 2 minutes and our grandson was GONE!!!!!!! After frantically searching around the house & garage for him, we began searching cornfields. My husband jumped in his truck and drove down the road and thank the heavens above found our grandson!!!!! Michael was standing within 2 ft from the water!!!!!!! Our grandson had followed the dogs to the creek. The second picture is the alarm system we immediately purchased offline, so that we could allow our grandson the freedom of being outdoors like any neurotypical child, without having to worry he would wander off again. Words cant describe how terrifying this can be for any parent but, more so for a parent/grandparent of a child with special needs! Our children are quick & they are drawn to water! So, before you judge another parent for using a device you find inhumane, please remember this story!!! Perhaps you could even offer to organize a fundraiser for that family so that they can purchase the much needed devices to help keep their child safe! Wandering and Elopement is considered to be one of the biggest stressors of an autism diagnosis! If you cant afford a tracking device, please get with me so we can get some fundraisers going to help offset the costs associated with this!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 21:02:37 +0000

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