How many total Prophecies were made about Christ? By: Hubert T. - TopicsExpress


How many total Prophecies were made about Christ? By: Hubert T. Webb Jr. 11/23/13 How many of you know the total number of Prophecies that were fulfilled in Jesus Christ? Well, if you dont know, take a good guess. Maybe ten or how about 20. Would you believe that would be incorect by a sizable amount. There are actually 351 Prophecies that were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. And the important thing is that he didnt fulfill some of them he fulfilled all of them. Every single one. I am not going to cover every one of them but i want to mention some of the most important ones. The first prophecie is “about the Seed of the Woman meaning Virgin Birth” followed immediately by the second prophecie “he will bruise Satans head” prophecied In Genesis 3:15 . 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. The seed of woman is Jesus Christ born through a Virgin Birth, and the seed of Satan are the Judeaens of Christs time period , who were following the doctrine and ideas of the serpent as evidenced in John 8:44. 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. The next important prophecie is “ Christ will inherit King Davids throne” Proshesied in Isaiah 9:6-7. 6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. And was Fulfilled in Romans 1:3-4. 3 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; 4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: And also in Luke 1:32. 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: Now to save time, i will only list the verses without reading them. The next prophecie is “He is to be Emmanuel-God with us” prophecied in Isaiah 7:14 and fulfilled in Matthew 1:18-23. The next prophecie is “He would be Holy” prophecied in Daniel 9:24 and fulfilled in Luke 1:35. And the next prophecie is “His ministry to begin in Galilee” prophecied in Isaiah 9:1-2 and fulfilled in Matthew 4:12-17. The next prophecie is “The wise are confounded by the Word” prophecied in Isaiah 29:14 and fulfilled in 1Corinthians 1:18-31. And the next prophecie is “A special anointing by the Holy Spirit” was prophecied in Psalm 45:7 and fulfilled in Matthew 3:16. The next prophecie is “He would teach in parables” prophecied in Psalm 78:1-2 and fulfilled in Matthew 13:34-35. And the next prophecie is “He shall teach all nations” prophecied in Isaiah 2:3 and fulfilled in John 4:25. The next prophecie is “He is Greeted with rejoicing in Jerusalem” prophecied in Zechariah 9:9 and fulfilled in Matthew 21:8-10. The next proshesie is “The Last Supper Forshadowed” prophecied is Gen 14:18 and was fulfilled in Matthew 26:26-29. The next prophecie is “My soul is exceeding sorrowful” prophecied in Psalm 69:20 and fulfilled in Matthew 26:38. And the next prophecie is “He is confronted by adversaries in the Garden” prophecied in Psalm 40:14 and fulfilled in John 18:4-6. The next prophecie is “He is betrayed by a familiar friend” prophecied in psalm 41:9 and fulfilled in John 13:18. And the next prophecie is “He is Betrayed for thirty pieces of silver” prophecied in Zechariah 11:12-13 and fulfilled in Matthew 26:14-15. The next prophecie is the “The time of his coming” prophecied in Gen 49:10 and fulfilled in Luke 2:1-7 and Galatians 4:4. The next prophecie is “The Great I Am” prophecied in Exxodus 3:13-15 and fulfilled in John 4:26, 8:58. And the next prophecie is “His acquaintances fled from him” prophecied in Psalm 31:11 and fulfilled in Mark 14:50. The next prophecie is “He was smitten on the cheeks” prophecied in Isaiah 50:6 and fulfilled in Matthew 26:67. And the next prophecie is “He was spat upon” prophecied in Isaiah 50:6 and fulfilled in Matthew 27:30. The next prophecie is “The blood from the Lamb saves from wrath” prophecied in Exodus 12:13 and fulfilled in Romans 5:8. The next prophecie is that “Christ is our Passover” prophecied in Exodus 12:21-27 and fulfilled in 1 Corinthians 5:7. And the next prophecie is that “He thirsted” and was prophecied in Psalm 22:15 and was fulfilled in John 19:28. The next prophecie is “They pierced His hands and His feet” and was prophecied in Psalm 22:16 and was fulfilled in Luke 24:39. The next Important prophecie is “My God. My God, why hast thou forsaken me” and was prophecied in Psalm 22:1 and fulfilled in Matthew 27:43. And the next prophecie is “Into thy hands i commit my spirit” prophecied in Psalm 31.5 and fulfilled in Luke 23:46. The next propecie is “It is Finished” prophecied in Psalm 22:31 and fulfilled in John 19:30. The next important prophecie is “His blood poured out when they pierced his side” prophecied in Psalm 22:14 and fufilled in John 19:34. And the next prophecie is “heaven is clothed in black at His humiliation” prophecied in Isaiah 50:3 and fulfilled in Luke 23:44-45. And the next prophecie is “Darkness upon Calvary for three hours” and was prophecied in Psalm 22:2 and fulfilled in Matthew 27:45. The next prophecie is “Not a bone of the Lamb to be broken” prophecied in Exodus 12:46 and fulfilled in John 19:31-36. The next prophecie is “Cursed is he that hangs on a tree” and is prophecied in Deuteronomy 21:23 and was fulfilled in Galatians 3:10-11. The next prophecie is “He is Buried in a rich mans grave” prophecied in Isaiah 53:9 and was fulfilled in Matthew 27:57. And the next prophecie is “His sacrifice a sweet smelling savor unto God” prophecied in Leviticus 1:2-9 and fulfilled in Epehesians 5:2. The next prophecie “Prefigures Christs (once for all) death” prophecied in Lev 16:15-17 and fulfilled in Hebrews 9:7-14. And the next prophecie says “he was sent by the Father to speak his word” and it was prophecied in Deuteronomy 18:18 and was fulfilled in John 8:28. And the next important prophecie is he is “The Son of God” and is prophecied in 2 Samuel 7:14 and is fulfilled in Luke 1:32 and Romans 1:3-4. The next prophecie is “The Resurrection Predicted” and is prophecied in Job 19:23-27 and is fulfilled in John 5:24-29. The next prophecie is “ To ascend to the right-hand of the Father” prophecied in Psalm 110:1 and fulfilled in Mark 16:19. And the next prophecie is “The rejected stone is Head of the Corner” prophecied in Psalm 118:22-23 and fulfilled in Matthew 21:42-43. The next prophecie is “The Bodily ascension to heaven illustrated” and was prophecied in 2 Kings 2:11 and fulfilled in Luke 24:51. And the next prophecie is “Life comes through faith in Him” and is prophecied in Psalm 2:12 and is fulfilled in John 20:31. The next prophecie is he will be “Mediator between man and God” and is prophecied in Job 9:32-33 and fulfilled in 1 Timothy 2:5. And the next prophecie is “The Light(Salvation) of the Gentiles” prophecied in Isaiah 42:6 and fulfilled in Luke 2:32. The next prophecie is “He is Salvation unto the ends of the Earth” prophecied in Isaiah 49:6 and fulfilled in Acts 15:7-18. Like i said these are only a few of the many Prophecies made about Christ in the Bible. The Jews werent ready for a savior like Jesus. They expected him to be a military leader like Joshua in the Book of Joshua 1. They wanted him, the Mesiah, to lead them in battle against the Romans. But Jesus said if you live by the sword youll die by the sword. And that wasnt the salvation he came to bring. I myself am glad that he came to pay for my sins so that i can be with him in Heavan. How about you. Do you want to go to Heavan? If so admit that you are a sinner and ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins and then get Baptised as soon as you can.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 11:57:01 +0000

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