How much do you want to bet they had the help of other agencies to - TopicsExpress


How much do you want to bet they had the help of other agencies to get rid of the evidence. Offering a reward only amplifies this.... If the NSA or DOJ or FBI or CIA or cant find them... what good are they to the populous in general? The answer to that is none... they serve the Federal Machine period. It was a reporter that busted Madoff and it only came to fruition because he was ripping off the rich. So..... why would the Dems rat out themselves? It is the Federal Bureaucracy that in actually in power here with the elected officials getting paid to handle the Legislative and Executive side of the house by Corporate Interests. Since they are elected the emphasis will always be on the people that get them elected.... not the ones that vote. We did that to ourselves when we allowed that to happen and it will go on that way indefinitely now until we can find a way to change it.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 22:41:47 +0000

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