How my life well lets see im happy i may not have a big house nice - TopicsExpress


How my life well lets see im happy i may not have a big house nice car and things or alot of money but i have something that money cant buy and all that nice stuff cant replace i have the most true and faithful friends and family a man could ever ask for im out maken my own choices in life and liveing it the best i know how ive made so many bad choices in life and thats how i know who my true friends and family are cuz after all the bad choices i see who stayed buy my side to fight the fight and when i got knocked down hard they come to my side with there love careing hands and words of wisdom they lifted me up and held me lifted not only just till i could stand but they stayed at my side till i hit the ground running faster than befor thats why we call them homies family and friends cuz there the one u can count on being there till the end i was so lost befor but they lead me to the light at the end i had a man break my heart into so many peaces to put it back together agin i had no idea where to begin i thought i could just find a man to fix what the one befor him broke but i was wrong the peaces just got moved to diffrent spots than they where befor but i finally realized what i was doing wrong turning from one guy to another to see if he could make my heart mend untill i got knocked down agin and i looked up and all i seen where family and friends trying to lend a helping they where there all along i was just to blind to see so i took them buy the and and they said just wait youll see after a week had gone by i felt like things where starting to mend could it be my heart was feeling agin just from the love of family and friends from there on it was easy to the love and saport form friends and family where healing my heart peace buy peace and i was begining to sprout new wings my true friends and family where all i ever needed i was just to blind to see and now that time has passed my heart is full and beating like crazy agin and now i got my new set of wings i searched for a way to heal a downed spirt and a broken heart i looked from man to man hope he would fix me but my broken heart was just like a puzzle each one played with the peaces but when the puzzle got tuff i just got sliped back in the toy box when they had enough it took awhile and lessions well learned but i figured out what one man broke another man couldnt just fix it so easy after many failed trys i figured out my true family and friends is where i should of went i can honestly say my broken heart lost soul and shatred spirt that i thought would never mend was slowly peased back together soul was eventualy found and my spirt was set free agin with new set of wings my family and friends are who got me off my knees put me backtogether agin and set me free i dont know where id be without them id probley would of never stood on my on agin but im liveing proof if your going through hell and love all ways seems to fail and u get knocked down look around to family and true friends cuz they will allways help u up and show you that you can learn to live agin. When love life falls for u dont shut down turn to family and friends becouse if u think about it when u started to love someone and decided to take that chance your friends and family are where u where befor u started to love they helped u through life and helped you get ready for the day u decided to try and love someone and start that life of your own but if it happens to not go right dont be afraide to turn back to them for help if there true family and friends they will never turn u away.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 01:26:46 +0000

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