How often is the volume of our voices the very thing that causes - TopicsExpress


How often is the volume of our voices the very thing that causes anothers voice to rise. When in prison guards were often told to not scream at inmates because of its instant effect to raise tension. I find pride still at work as the thought that your not going to disrespect me and raise your voice still exist as I get loud right back. I thank God He allows me to see just how silly this is. Its no different in our cars as we lay on a horn for 10 seconds when a few will suffice. Arent we in a sense screaming at the other driver. How often does this lead someone showing us they can count to 2 and a half and then who knows what. If my past has taught nothing else, but believe me it has, its that whatever I can do to keep tension at bay keeps my life in the peaceful, quiet state that Christ has planned for us all. Theyre my emotions, my voice, so shouldnt I be able to control them. Through Christ ALL things are made possible. Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 11:57:29 +0000

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