How racism abroad dragged me into wealth Posted by: Paul UKPABIO - TopicsExpress


How racism abroad dragged me into wealth Posted by: Paul UKPABIO Former Commissioner for the Environment in Ogun State, Engineer Tony Ojeshina, is surely counting his blessings for a good decision he made to pack his luggage in America and head back to his fatherland when the ovation was loudest. A former Vice President of Slt Environmental Inc., a publicly quoted company in the US, Tony Ojeshina rose to the peak of his career in the corporate world, and indeed merited becoming the president of the big organisation. But, according to him, “racism and the fear of the company’s shares depreciating in value in the capital market”, denied him the plum position. He, however, returned home into the warm embrace of choice contracts from blue chip companies like Mobil, Chevron and Shell. Gradually, he became established in Nigeria. Today, he sits on the board of companies in different sectors of the economy. Now, he says he is having fun and taking up new challenges as they come. Asked what growing up was like, Tony said: “I was an outgoing person who always wanted to be with people. I love being with people. I loved the company of older people, because I could always tap knowledge from them. I loved outdoor, so I was always involved in sports, especially soccer. “My parents were strict Christians. They were disciplinarians; so I got into trouble frequently. I, however, was always serious with my studies which was the consideration my parents gave for not punishing me at times. My father was a lawyer turned chief magistrate, while my mother was an educationist. So that informed their leniency sometimes when I got in trouble because I always did well academically.” Focused on a bright future, young Tony made the decision to leave the shores of Nigeria in search of the proverbial greener pasture. His first choice was Canada, where he bagged an engineering degree, before moving to the US. “I went to Canada because of what I read about the engineering programme, St. Mary’s University, which I later attended. I left Canada for the US because, companies from the US came on job search for engineering students and I was fortunate to get a job placement in the US.” For him, an uncle provided the inspiration to leave Nigeria. The uncle, himself an engineer, assured his nephew that studying engineering overseas provided better opportunities. “The inspiration came through an uncle who told me that studying engineering abroad provides better opportunities for real practical experience. He said that with regard to the level of development of the nation as at then. I found this to be true as I had some kind of exposure while there in school in America. I initially wanted to study medicine in Nigeria. But since my uncle studied engineering in Nigeria, he knew I would be better off doing the same abroad. I have no regrets now because, I came back to give back my experience to my great country.” Studying engineering was by default for Tony Ojeshina. Mathematics and physics were his favourite subjects in his secondary school days. So, it was not a surprise when he chose engineering over other courses. “What pushed me into engineering was that, when I was young, I loved mathematics and I loved physics. My favourite subject was chemistry at high school. My father who was a lawyer was also good at maths. He told me to go into engineering. “I wanted to study medicine but my father said that I would be a good engineer. I found out later, that he was correct. This, I found out at the university, when I realised how long it would have taken me to complete the study of medicine. I told myself, my father was right because I wanted to graduate fast and start making money. But I could also have been good in medicine.” Armed with his certificates, Tony got a job with in the US and quickly established himself as an achiever, when he broke a 70-year-old company record to develop a new product. But the breakthrough also earned him enemies within the company. “I was working in a laboratory and I was lucky enough to develop a product which the organisation got a patent right for. That company was 150 years old and had not had a new product developed in 70 years. And here I came along, a young black man, I was the only black. But the moment I developed that product, the issue of racism ceased for me because money has only one colour in the US they call it the ‘almighty green’ (laughs). As soon as they tested my product, that was it. “But to get that product, I spent a lot of time in the laboratory. As a black man, you had to work twice or three times more than your colleagues. I always wanted to make an impact. I didn’t want anybody to use the colour of my skin to judge me. I was not raised up to be intimidated and I was not raised up to be subservient. No Nigerian is raised up like that. Anywhere in the world, Nigerians rise up and look at people and challenge things or situations when they need to challenge them. That is because we go through tough times growing up. That is why I always say that Nigerians will survive anywhere in the world. So in the process of working twice as hard, I was able to develop the product because I used to sleep in the laboratory. Sometimes I spent my entire weekend in the laboratory without going home. And so by His grace, after I developed that product, the company saw me as a star. They had not seen such a black man before; so my promotion became rapid. Since I had to go on speaking tours, our competitors were always trying to hire me and each time they tried to do that, the company I worked for would move me up so that I would not have to leave. God created those circumstances for me and I was learning along the line”. He, however, paid dearly for his ‘sin’ of out-foxing the white folks by developing a new product for his company. Though he rose to the position of vice president of the company, he was denied the honour of being the topmost boss because of that achievement. “I got to a point in corporate America where I became the senior Vice President of that company, and I knew that it was as far as I could go because the company is a publicly traded company; even though they knew that I was ripe enough to be the CEO, but they did not make me a CEO because they didn’t want to put a black man’s face there, especially a publicly traded company. That was unfortunate because they believed they would lose their shares, people would sell out because of racism. They knew that, and I also knew that. It was an unspoken truth between us. “That was when I started doing a soul searching. I decided that since it is a field where I am well known, that is environmental engineering, I decided to go and set up my own company. A lot of clients followed me from where I was. They asked me to start consulting for them. And that was how I became a successful environmental consultant there.” But the refusal of the white men to make Tony Ojeshina the president of the company has in the long run turned out to be a blessing. Unhappy with the company’s decision to deny him what he felt was a duly-earned position, he decided that it was time for him to head back home to Nigeria. “In 1992, I decided to set up an office in Nigeria- Joseph Ross Environmental Company, in Victoria Island, Lagos. That was motivated by the more and more requests I got from companies like Shell, Chevron and Mobil. I was doing some work for them: That made me decide to stay. Though the work I was doing for them was not as profitable as the one I was doing in the US, it, however, was demanding my time and presence in Nigeria. My field was relatively little known in Nigeria. “I was a consultant to FERPA for many years. I helped them to set up guidelines. I was their first consultant. I worked closely with Dr. Aina the DG then, while my consulting was also still going on in the US. I was busy here. My time was more demanded here. The sense of patriotism made me to spend more time here at the expense of making more money in the US because my billing rate was far above over there than here. The joy I had, however, was that things were now happening in my country and I was contributing. “In 1996, I downsized my operations in the US and moved some of my people here. They worked here for a while to train some people. Once they did that, they returned. I recapitalised the company and it became Global Technologies Ltd. Since then, I’ve stayed more in Nigeria. I am presently on the board of several companies”. Having literally conquered the corporate world, Tony moved on into the world of politics, where he once again rose to become a commissioner in his native Ogun State. “I was the pioneer Commissioner of the Environment in Ogun State in 2003. I helped set up the Ministry of the Environment along with its guidelines and the changes that happen in that area. By 2007, I told myself that I had to return to my business, which of course also needed my attention and concentration. I loved serving the government but at that time, my devotion was away, and I felt that a lot of my clients also needed my attention.”
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 12:42:30 +0000

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