How sad have we become as a society when instead of being excited - TopicsExpress


How sad have we become as a society when instead of being excited to have spent some time online people feel a need to broadcast they had something to do in just those words, for a few weeks ... to a small hand picked hoard of absolute strangers, the globe over mind you. The phenomenon is believed to have begun in the late 90s when more and more folks took to being online in the face of their disabilities, as online gave the sense of connection and filled the need for communication and a sense of involvement, without judgement or physical presence. In a short span of time; what began as a distraction for many, became a lifestyle and method of avoidance for those who turned to the internet, seeking to fill a void which until then was left unmentioned and neglected. In a recent survey when asked if online friends or online gaming was more important to internet users, it might be noted that while many chat with and keep online friends there was notable statistical shortcomings. Only 37% reported having a phone number for an online friend. Less than 20% report having ever sent mail, a package, or a gift to any of these claimed friends. Indeed of the thousands of respondents questioned only a handful even believe to have an online friends address. Most shockingly, while respondents claim online friendship is their main reason for logging in; use has shown internet users only spent 8% of their time online in active chat, the remainder was spent surfing, reading, or in games. The goal of marginalizing the disabled, by virtue of isolation with the perception of connection, does indeed seem to be attainable. The oversight committee thus recommends going ahead with all pursuits, globally in a bid to remove as many of these undesirables from proper society as we are able, with the simple flick of an on switch. In summary The HUDD Institute would put forth that while the goal of globalization looms large, in the interest of securing as many of our target audience as possible the consideration of a sliding scale pricing be put into play enabling us to lure greater numbers where such needs be and reducing numbers where desired. Technological advancements will enable this reality. The internet allows us to monitor and track each person who we sign up, and subsequently logs in. Where they are, what their interests are, what they are reading, who they are talking to, what they are downloading will all be data at our fingertips to not only disseminate, but to control and influence. It is security, it is entertainment, it is self expression and art, it is community, it is many things and can be perceived in many ways, but in 10 years from now we wont see a casual user, nor will we see someone who hasnt logged in. Back HUDD today and we will hand you; The future. President and CEO Shabeh Pinkerton HUDD INSTITUTE 2001 Internt Usage Symposium New Guinea
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 15:43:34 +0000

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