How should women stand spiritually in a male-dominated - TopicsExpress


How should women stand spiritually in a male-dominated world? Women have so much spiritual potentials to call into play in an effort to put a check on the prevalent domination, subjugation, and sometimes outright victimisation; even brutalisation received from the men -folk. The Divine Order in creation places woman as the more delicate and intuitively sensitive part of the human species; thereby permitting her a leading role in the reception and transmission of the power flowing into our part of creation from the Holy Will of God. In other words, woman forms the spiritual gate way for our part of creation, and is to further and ennoble it through the Living Power from The Almighty Creator. Through her activities in the home, her spiritual standing and offspring, woman can determine the direction, whether upwards or downwards, of the spiritual progress of earthmen. Indeed, it is in her home and its associated tender nurturing activities that the woman’s greatest power manifests. Lucifer, the fallen Arch-Angel knew this fact very well and first focused his deadly attack on woman. With the fall of woman, evidenced by prevalent exhibition of vanity, lack of sense of shame, pursuit of masculine activities and lifestyles, as well as yielding to materialism and fashion follies, the entire mankind is now dangerously exposed to destruction. Woman has to regain her spiritual standing and thereby liberate herself first. She has to regain the inner yearning for sublime devotion and worship of God, and realise that the spiritual fate of all mankind lies in her hands. This will demand a totally new orientation and outlook to life. Because no one can give what he or she does not possess, this new orientation for the woman requires spiritual knowledge which will educate her on how to fulfil her role as the mediator of light and beauty to other creatures. It is this need that the Words of The Grail Message, In The Light of Truth, now fulfils. Once she stands firm on her proper station of activity in creation, men would automatically be compelled to accord her the respect, delicate consideration and protection she rightly deserves. Women’s current agitation for equality with men, and its attendant seeking to compete at workplaces, in sports, politics, etc, could ultimately even bring greater spiritual harm unto womanhood. It is a pursuit that is like a diversion of energy and focus. It is like throwing away gold in pursuit of base metal! Each species in creation, man or woman, has a unique role to fulfil. Woman should discover her own unique role and fulfil it happily and with gratitude to her Creator. The explanation given in this article is based on the author’s understanding of the Work “In The Light of Truth”, The Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin. The reader is hereby invited to personally examine this Work.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 05:53:34 +0000

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