How smarter people than me hijacked my life and how they did it: - TopicsExpress


How smarter people than me hijacked my life and how they did it: Call to action: the first and most important thing to understand is what events transpired to cause a call to action in understand this; whether the call is real (valid) or driven by something else. This very first assessment in call to action is what I call “The Seat of Supposition”. This seat of supposition is the most important factor in which all events of my life for the past 27 years transpired; whether this supposition was driven by rational or driven by irrational. Once the person or person’s accepted the supposition as rational this generated a necessity; and to draw from that necessity applies what is known in legal terms, “Necessity Doctrine”. Necessity doctrine is something everyone should be familiar with because it part of law where we allow ourselves to violate a lesser law in pursuit of a more important cause. To give you an example of this sort of situation; if your friend was bleeding to death in your car, you have the right to speed them to the hospital without suffering the consequences of reckless driving. (Now understand I am telling you all this from my current perspective at 50 years old where I have had reasons to educate myself along the way; while all these events started when I was 24, previously forced to leave school at 16, and worked menial jobs with no education. I have had to suffer through all the pain to look deeply and retrospectively into everything that happened to me.) Now back to the necessity doctrine as we explore its meaningful application and whether it is later “tested” by a process of “component jurisdiction” or simply taken for granted and populated by persons more clever than I can imagine to be taken at face value. It would seem that “checks and balances” that are afforded every individual have also been completely circumvented in my situation. My life has been taken over in an absolute authoritarian manner that even defies the Magana Carta, never mind my constitutional rights or human rights. Where the lawful and necessary test of this supposed necessity will never be afforded me; I have been summarily judged trial ex parte, without the right of representation or the right to question this resolve. The situation is grave, for the past 27 years based on a questionable supposition; I have been indelibly branded, unfit, unsafe, dangerous, untrustworthy, and suitable for framing. I have been offered, up in a manipulative and one sided conversation to my community for judgment. I have been assumed guilty of many things and my character has been thorough assassinated as if I had been running for office. Those who had started this campaign against my personage hold exclusive rights to my forced celebrity and decide with absolute control, who hears their story, what will be included and what will be omitted. The power they yield over my life is unquestionable, unchallengeable and anyone who dares to defy this verdict is met with threats and intimidation of the awesome power of a criminally malfeasant office they hold. Anyone who bears witness to this essay has most likely taken into the fold and been persuaded of this great necessity committed on this marginalized yet dangerous woman. If I were in your position, I’d probably make the same judgments and remain complacent about my situation; assume these powerful and very intelligent people are making decisions that are in all our common interests. As soon as this seat of supposition was realized and a necessity doctrine was formed; these very intelligent people used every method at their disposal to consider my disposition. Like master chess players, the forwarded plans to act and use every advantage at their disposal to dispense with me. They used the awesome talent and experience aligned with profiling my personality to set into motion a plan which end game was my complete destruction. These brilliant strategists of psychological manipulation had a complex task to perform on a seemly delicate situation. They had to act in extreme bias and exploit others biases without ever being exposed; they had to manipulate me and others around me to direct my life like a theatrical play. Using every opportunity available to them, they had to act with caution and artful invisibility to take advantage of anything I did. While my life was going through crises and I was dealing with personal struggles on many fronts, they stepped in to maximize my emotional pain to create the perfect narrative for their story. It truly was a brilliantly executed plan; causing such severe apoplexy in my life, confusion, indigence, drawing on my original fears of stigmatization; knowing I have no concept of criminal malfeasant practices in the people supposedly who are there to protect us, cause me to feel absolutely violated by the situation. I was already pre-profile which discovered insolated and completely unwise to such concepts of abuse of authority, hassling of individuals and lived in a world of good guys and bad guys. Simply getting to get me to act ridiculous in a given situation where I am naturally compliant and am difficult to rile took many months and many people to bring me to a contradictory state of mind. They needed to sell their narrative, and they needed to make sure no one would ever know what they were being told was a great deception. To put me in a state of mind and a situation I have no way of navigating, and to make sure that state of mind is exploiting any lack of clarity of thought; to cause me to feel the greatest sense of injury and injustice and foolishly attempt to challenge it. This well executed and well planned opportunity paid off greatly and allowed them to forward it by continuing the threat with others with intentionally planted “confirmation bias”. My unique personage was a two edged sword, push the issue to hard and it could cut them, lay the sword gently and let others cut me with the other side. The challenges the faced were of a delicate nature and they had to be sure to move cautiously and use others of unique personage to dull the other edge of that sword. They had to use persons who had already suffered bias and feelings of proving themselves; which would be a powerful motivator and present an illusion of fairness. Hand pick persons to infiltrate my life whom already had already suffered supposed lesser stigmatization, with criminal records. These smarter people than me have presented you with an excellent narrative which on face value has given you all a want to maintain the silence of my story. You are all tampered jurists in this complex scheme of necessity; your resolve is maintained, your complacency resolute. You are determined to maintain what you want and refuse to accept what you actually need; I understand this completely and don’t fault you for your opinions considering the situation. Obvious to you, there seems to be many trap doors and uncertainties, which may cause more harm than good in exposing the actual truth. You have been thoroughly frightened and convinced this genie must never be let out of her bottle, because if she is, bad things will happen; that belief is comfortable to you. So in your self-assessment and confidence in your own reasoning ability you and many like you have decided as tampered jurists that it is completely unnecessary to involve anyone else who may serve to undermine the original supposition and reward a villain for her troubles. You and all involved has made an informed decision to circumvent our justice system, our processes of law out of complete indignant attitude towards its fallibility. Many have used the system to avoid proper justice and manipulated it for personal gain, so why not when in doubt err on the side of caution? I can try and convince you that testing that necessity doctrine takes supremacy, over all you have considered; I can try and explain to you, that you have wants and fears which allow this to go unchallenged. You will probably tell me to go jump off a cliff; which in understanding your state of mind is a reasonable assumption. I will still maintain this need for testing these necessities is a greater priority of need than you have been made to believe, that in the face of this overwhelming argument of slander and defamation of my character it is greater than all of us. That your resolve speaks of the most irrational resolve of emotional beliefs that dispense with all processes which you feel has failed you is what you must do. As many have already complained so much that voting doesn’t help, they abstain from voting and speak with loud voices of complaint. As they feel the justice system doesn’t serve them, they wish to let the “people” decide in crowd sourcing. You have all reached the greatest and most slippery slope, you have been warmed about and have seen in human history. You rage against the machine has been misdirected on others around you; and you are in a state of mob rule. I have to tell you honestly, my quest to expose the truth will be of great embarrassment to me, my entire life splayed open for all to see. In all fairness many people will by their own bias and sensibilities judge me too harshly; while others with better sensibilities will be driven to put things right again. Many things in our system are broken, out of order and not working as we’d wish it; the fact is that our cleansing has to also address those who are running this system in the first place. You can chose to run your own game; leaving the system broken while you accept alternatives which seem to serve you, or you can have the brevity to act to make this system function better; It is your personal choice. I promise you this (even tho you have no reason to believe me) the sky will not fall; the raging monsters from the pit of hell won’t run rampaging on the street; all we’ll be left with is a better understanding of what to do next, and how to answer both sides of the question. Where is the line drawn on rights of an individual; what is a matter of concern and how and when do we act prudently. I consider myself a fair minded woman, I am never swayed when I am not presented with all the facts and I never rush to judgment. Are you truly a fair minded person, or are you one who is easily swayed and influenced to go along with a consensus? Thank you for your time, it is greatly appreciated, Kristina Johnson
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 15:24:21 +0000

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