. How some Lawyers make difference amongst all in The Courts ? . - TopicsExpress


. How some Lawyers make difference amongst all in The Courts ? . Like any other Professional, name, fame and prosperity of Advocates also depend upon fate and fortune irrespective of following the standard path of hard working, in-depth knowledge and professional efficiency in Lower or Higher Courts. Destination that leads and place a lawyer in a legal forum. Specialisation and recognition on a particular branch of law don’t depend upon the personal interests in the subjects of Advocates but upon opportunities and briefs they secure, . Civil lawyers at the beginning may turn into busy Criminal lawyers in course of their practice and vice versa. Among them, a few lawyers make large difference due to their specialisation and expertise in Constitutional Law and Law of Constitution which mainly depends upon abilities of new Interpretations to written texts; they can understand any Statute within no time to find out defects therein the Enactment and to test it on the touch stone of the Constitutional Law which is always dynamic and progressive in ever changing Social, Economic and Political Scenario of a Nation, . Main difference between Constitutional lawyers and others is that the first one don’t accept whatever enactment the Legislature passed and assented by The Head of The State. They inculcate basic inherent introspective, penetrative and probing characteristics to challenge each and every provision and phraseology on tenets of native and exotic Jurisprudence; Domestic and International Judicial precedents.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:08:55 +0000

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