How team Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba - GBM on FB does it in - TopicsExpress


How team Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba - GBM on FB does it in style. What you may not know about GBM: By Hjoe Moono There are a few things to note about GBM that could explain why he has the bragging rights in Zambian politics right now. Before his joining politics in 2006 in MMD, very few people knew who this guy was. Yet, many ate his mealie meal produced in his factory. GBM had been a very successful Zambian businessman who rightly could have a rags to riches story. You see, there were and still are very few Zambians that venture out into risky and demanding businesses such as running a factory producing goods. Many of us, when we feel we are well off enough, will buy a piece of land, build a block of flats, AKA Mudadada and comfortably wait for monthly rentals. Or yet build a big nice beautiful house to live in, and wait for monthly salaries from our work places. To most of us, we would have ‘succeeded’ and wait for retirement and pensions, and when money runs out, we try our luck in politics—hence politics of the belly! GBM however did not follow this path, instead, he took on the best he was good at: Business, making money, and yes he did make it. Setting up a Milling Company and running it successfully against main monopolies in the country is something to admire. He was venturing into businesses reserved only for what we indigenous Zambians consider for the ‘others’—the Asian shrewd businesses man and other non-African races. Up to this day, however, main manufacturing firms are still owned by ‘others’, while we work for them and hope to retire and join politics. GBM heavily diversified his business portfolio, both vertically and horizontally. This is something we in Economics and Finance admire, and spent nights studying and theorising, yet, folks like GBM make it seem like piece of cake in the real world. He ventured into transport and logistics, purchasing and supply, and hell he made the paper!!!! Now this is a guy without a university education. Yet, he exhibits such admirable shrewd business acumen and leadership. As always, politics usually calls, either to further business deals or maintain them. So in 2006 he joins MMD and stands in Kabwata where he loses lamentably to the ‘sneaky’ Given Lubinda of the PF. That done, however, his party, the MMD still won and he stayed on. But strange decisions this guy made. He leaves the MMD and joins PF, and offers his massive financial support, and in no time the guy is made chairman for elections in PF. How does one move from the comfort of a ruling party to an opposition party? Many of us doubted his foresight.Alas, he would later prove that he has such a sharp political foresight as does he in his business. As an economist, I run simple correlations and conclude that contrary to the popular held view, GBM is rather smart and if he had put his energies in education as many of us may have, he would have had a chain of degrees(maybe not like me, had 3 degrees at age 25—lol). But I guess his high school is all that was required, in any case, many world known successful businessmen dropped out of Uni and focussed on business—Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mack Zukcerberg, Mikalile(Zambia and UNZA drop out) etc. But the fact that they could get into Uni and realise that there gift was not in school but business is evidence enough of how sharp their foresight is. Perhaps GBM has such? Perhaps indeed. So then, GBM’s business would suffer for joining the opposition PF politics, ZRA would suddenly realise he has unpaid taxes (typical of African politics and African Tax Authorities). This had a heavy toll on him that he almost quit politics altogether (coupled of course with his private marital disputes). But he would hold on, and yes, in 2011, a few years after his joining the PF, his party, the PF, would win the general elections. His investments had paid off. And you have a man who a few years ago was unknown in Zambian politics taking the third most powerful position in Government, Minister of Defence (2011-2013). This is no fluke! He is also an elected MP. But then, he resigns. Who leaves a comfortable ministerial job to be a back bencher? Only GBM. Should we go by his past political foresight?. Perhaps, but for now, we shall speculate. So there you have it. But then, why is there so much noise in the PF? Why the GBM/Wynter hoo-hah? Well, a few things to note: GBM is an elected Member of Parliament. Wynter is a nominated Member of Parliament who has never won an election. GBM ran a successful business before joining politics. Wynter is hoping to run a business (Ilunda Chalo—Loot the Nation) with the head of state. They have suddenly realised they can make money like GBM, hence the hate. GBM has serious bragging rights.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 06:04:25 +0000

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