How terrible, the way everyone functions suddenly in Mumbai - a - TopicsExpress


How terrible, the way everyone functions suddenly in Mumbai - a cat was up for adoption through a pet rescue and adoption agency (I dont want to give any names) and was going to be thrown out within a week. I was trying to find the 1 year old kitty a home, and the person I was corresponding with NEVER remembered which cat, what my name was, why I was calling, or what was going on. Ive been speaking to them for over 2 weeks! And not to different people every time - to just one of them, who incidentally was the person asking me for my postal address to see if my house was suitable for foster care of this cat while I looked for another home. In the world of smartphones, how can you not have saved my number and name if Im talking to you almost every day for 2 weeks when you know Im trying to help and take care of an abandoned, scared and homeless animal. AND YOU WORK FOR THE ANIMAL RESCUE AND FOSTER CARE NGO THAT APPARENTLY IS TAKING CARE OF THIS CAT?! And if you dont have a smartphone, you probably have a diary? Or some way to keep track of who has which animal, or who is adopting the animal? This NGO is going to fall apart, and I feel really bad for anyone having to deal with them, or this person. To add to the irresponsibility - apparently they already found another home 3 days ago, the family that was fostering the cat temporarily had already informed the rescue agency, and while Im following up with them every single day, they didnt even inform me. And my opening statement is because Ive been having such issues even with places, large agencies, where Ive applied for freelance jobs - they make me chase and chase and wont return calls, wont reply to emails, wont even know who I am after Ive called them over and over for more than 2 weeks. Thanks a lot guys, totally making me feel good about being a human being. I am going to hug my cat now, and all of these kind of people can just go to hell (or in the words of HBO subtitles, Inferno), please.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 13:05:56 +0000

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