How the Greats Had Fallen – They All End Up In the Wheelchair - TopicsExpress


How the Greats Had Fallen – They All End Up In the Wheelchair (Reminiscing the Impeachment and Conviction of Chief Justice Renato C. Corona) By: Delmar T. Taclibon It may be Divine Justice or Divine Intervention to get rid of scoundrels and thieves in the country. The Philippines is the poorest country in Asia next to Bangladesh and yet, the country’s leaders and public servants live in abundance and wealth. Like the Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato C. Corona, who admitted in the Impeachment Court that indeed he has numerous Dollar and Peso accounts, although all throughout his more than three (3) long hours of circumlocutory litany of lies and deception, he never divulged how much or how gargantuan his Bank Account were. His schemes and childlike braggadocio of simplicity and saintly life style were to crumble when the Bazooka from the North – Congressman Rodolfo Rudy C. Fariñas delivered his “Palusot” Ilocano accented oratory in exact and concise manner that can be understood by ordinary Filipino in the street - it enlightened them what was the Impeachment all about. That Chief Justice Renato C. Corona is being litigated and indicted as an enemy of the people. With all the rigmaroles and buffoons in the Senate Plenary Hall - only one man, if I may conclude with all due respect, educated the Filipino Masses with simplicity but with “Shock and Awe” never before heard to reveal the truthful identity of a scoundrel Highest Magistrate pretending as epitome of goodness - the Bazooka of the North did it all! The indicted Chief Justice Reneto C. Corona displayed more or less five (5) threatening diabolic stares towards the Prosecutors, accusing them of filing an Impeachment Case against him based on flimsy and whimsical reasons, concocted by Malacanang. He was able to deliver his nonsense litany for more than three long hours; dragging the name of the Great Supremo of the Katipunan, Gat. Andres Bonifacio, allegedly usurped power from his Great Grandfather Deodato Arellano, thus the former eventually landed in Philippine History as the leader of the Revolution against Spain – virtually accusing Gat Andres Bonifacio as a hoax. He accused the Basas of land grabbing and the patriarch Jose Basa of inutility to work for his livelihood – this made the Basas shed their tears out of dismay over the behavior of the Chief Justice, but, end up in the wheelchair when he staged a walkout but prevented by Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile after he was armed-cuffed by four (4) security men - apprehended by the Senate Security Force. Yes, the Chief Justice Renato C. Corona who amassed wealth by admitting that indeed he possessed numerous Dollar and Peso Bank Accounts, that emanated from his frugality and labor – that his predecessors did claim it so. The Chief Justice’s predecessors are Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Jokjok Bolante, General Leandro Mendoza, General Angelo Reyes who committed “Seppukku,” virtually sitting on a wheelchair, The First Gentleman Jose Miguel “Mike” Arroyo and all others we may not know, all may end up in a “Wheelchair” – the wheelchair of “Retribution” perhaps. As the Dictum goes and I quote, “The Mill of God grind slowly but surely, no one escapes retribution; it may not be now, it may not be tomorrow, but perhaps the day after.” God Save The Philippines! Source: Personal Experience of the Author Literature by: Delmar Topinio Taclibon, Founding Chairman, PPSC – Power of the People Solidarity Congress, an affiliate of CORE – Convict Renato Movement, CORE – Coalition for Reform Vice Chairman and Board of Trustee Citizens Crime Watch Vice-President for Luzon August 26 People’s Coalition
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 11:24:40 +0000

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