How the democracy works in UK. Getting a prompt from my younger - TopicsExpress


How the democracy works in UK. Getting a prompt from my younger brother, Dr. Qamar Abbas, I sent the following email to the local MP: Dear Simon Burns MP, On Monday 13th October there will be a vote on a motion “That this House believes that the Government should recognise the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel”. I am writing to ask you to vote ‘Yes’ to recognising Palestine on Monday 13th October. I’m also writing to request that you vote against the amendment which may be heard by Parliament, that this should only happen ‘on the conclusion of successful peace negotiations between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority.’ Britain has accepted Palestine’s right to statehood. There is no excuse not to recognise Palestine, or to delay recognition according to Israel’s wishes. It is quite wrong for Israel to try to veto Palestine’s right to a State, and worse still for Britain to listen. Britain is the State which had responsibility for Palestine, and failed to ensure that Palestinians won their right for self-determination. We should not fail again. Recognising Palestine is to recognise Palestinian right to self-determination. Bilateral recognition of Palestine is in the UK’s hands: Israel should have no right of veto over Palestinian self-determination. Israel states that recognition should be an outcome of negotiations. This is an unfair demand by Israel – there are no negotiations and Israel, as the US admitted, was primarily responsible for ending the peace process. The UK recognised Israel in 1950, and that process was not subject to negotiation. Israel’s refusal to recognise Palestine’s right to exist must be challenged, not acquiesced to. Over the past year the UK Government has continued to suggest that their policy on recognition would be affected by the outcome of the Kerry led peace-process, but after the collapse of the talks and the resumption of conflict, nothing has changed. It is time for the UK Government to show leadership on this issue. I realise that Backbench debates are not subject to Party discipline, so you will vote according to the wishes of your conscience and your constituents. I trust that you make the right choice and vote ‘yes’ to the motion and against any amendments. Yours sincerely, Syed Razi Muhammad. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Got the reply within an hour later from The Rt. Hon. Simon Burns MP Member of Parliament for Chelmsford, agreeing that there should be a State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel and he would have supported it in parliament but unfortunately, he is on duty for election observation mission and wont be in parliament on the day. I would have pasted his answer but it is confidential and cannot be reproduced. But it shows how the MPs treat those living in their constituency in UK.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 08:53:44 +0000

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