How the media and police are manipulating public perception in the - TopicsExpress


How the media and police are manipulating public perception in the 2 NYPD killings By: Samori Swygert The media and police departments are evoking, summoning, and beseeching the sympathy of the American citizenry in the wake of the murder of two NYPD officers. First, let me preface this article to debase all trolls and operatives. Secondly, I offer my condolences to the families affected. Third, shooting innocent people is wrong, killing innocent people is wrong. Lastly, I have friends and family members that are law enforcement officers, and it would crush me to the bone to see them die like this. It’s a “no brainer” that the media coverage in this country is biased, skewed, and under the aegis of an elite few. These elite few seek to dictate sentiment, craft public perception, determine narrative, decide the topics of discussions, script news anchors, and censor or promote who they feel. The Ferguson-Staten Island-Internet Connection The purported shooter of the 2 NYPD cops is “reported” to have posts on Instagram that hint at a plan to kill cops. Hashtag quotes and Instagram icons are being considered as evidence of his intent. The intelligence community is now retroactively scouring the shooters internet activity and cyber history for more clues that link this to a crime of retribution secondary to the grand jury decisions of the Michael Brown and Eric Garner case. The New York Police Department is now engaged in discourse where they’re using terms like “wartime”. The police department feels like they are at a state of war with who? NYPD please furnish the details of who your enemy is. Are you at war with the citizens that subsidize your income? This is very serious. This means that many citizens who aren’t murderers can be unwittingly profiled and digitally monitored without warrant. You may be considered a threat or risk by basically expressing empathy for Michael Brown and Eric Garner on social media. This also comes on the heels of the Sony Hacking situation. A loud cry is reverberating across all the big wigs from Hollywood to the government about increased internet control, cyber security, and don’t forget about that “Net Neutrality” issue. The media takes one event, and contorts it into another irrelevant topic of discussion that introduces the next item on an agenda. What about Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Up State New York, and Texas anarchists? The discussion is conveniently sculpted around the quiet premise of “the natives are getting restless”. The thought of a black man killing cops is reprehensible and unconscionable. Howard Papi Mason (a convicted drug dealer of the Supreme Team) ordered the killing of an NYPD cop (Edward Byrne) in the late 1980’s. The murder nearly shook the nation. In 1986, Larry Davis was public enemy #1 for shooting 6 NYPD cops when they barged into his sister’s apartment in the Bronx. The manhunt was a spectacle, and the media salivated over it. Pause for a second America………………….Let’s talk about these anarchists? Was it not even a few months ago in Pennsylvania when Eric Matthew Frein (white male) ambushed and assassinated Corporal Bryon Dickson II of the Pennsylvania State Police, and almost killed Alex Douglass, a Pennsylvania State Trooper? Was law enforcement talking about “war”? usatoday/story/news/nation/2014/10/30/pennsylvania-trooper-eric-frein-reported-captured/18203907/ Was it not this summer, when Jerad and Amanda Miller (white couple), ambushed and shot to death 2 Las Vegas Police Officers deliberately, and left a note that said “The Revolution is beginning”? They left a flag on one officer’s corpse that had a Swastika and Gadsden Flag as they embarked on their Bonnie and Clyde/ Natural Born Killers expedition. Was law enforcement talking about “war”? huffingtonpost/2014/06/11/jerad-and-amanda-miller-shootout-video_n_5485412.html Was it not this past June 2014, when Dennis Ronald Marx (white male) sieged onto a Georgia Courthouse? He shot an officer in the leg, he had grenades, homemade explosives, an assault rifle, multiple magazine clips, zip ties, and had reportedly had his body rigged with explosives. He pulled up to the courthouse, threw down spike strips and started firing shots through his windshield. He was subsequently killed……Was law enforcement talking about “war”? usatoday/story/news/nation/2014/06/06/georgia-courthouse-shooting/10079493/ Was it not this past summer that militia members were at an armed face to face standoff with high powered assault rifles with FEDERAL AGNETS at the Cliven Bundy Ranch? …Was law enforcement talking about “war”? huffingtonpost/2014/04/30/cliven-bundy-probe_n_5243232.html Was it not January 2011, when Jared Lee Loughner shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in the head, shot 19 other people, killed 6 of them, which included FEDERAL EMPLOYEES….Was law enforcement talking about “war”? cbsnews/news/newly-released-jared-lee-loughner-files-reveal-chilling-details/ Was it not just 2012, when William Spengler (62 yr old white male), started a fire to lure the fire department and other emergency response personnel to respond? When they arrived, he ambushed and killed 2 firefighters with a Bushmaster rifle. He left a note describing how he likes to kill people….Was law enforcement talking about “war”? huffingtonpost/2012/12/26/william-spengler-webster-_n_2364484.html Was it not just January 2013, when Eric Williams (47 yr old white male), put on a mask and shot a state prosecutor to death outside a Texas court house? He then tracked down the other prosecutor, entered his home and shot him and his wife to death (more than 12 times each)….Was law enforcement talking about “war”? usatoday/story/news/nation/2014/12/17/texas-prosecutors-murder-sentence/20537451/ I’m not advocating or condoning wanton acts of violence. I’m highlighting how the narrative of news coverage in conjunction with law enforcement reaction is distinctly different when it comes to race. This furthers the agenda of stop and frisk, gun control, and a surveillance state. I’ve placed 7 instances where members of the legal system or law enforcement have been attacked by whites and “wartime” isn’t mentioned. Why is there deviance in the reaction, and sentiment with black assailants?
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 04:25:55 +0000

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