How to Attract Women Three Methods:Be Comfortable with - TopicsExpress


How to Attract Women Three Methods:Be Comfortable with Yourself, Be a Dynamic Person, Make a Woman Feel Special. Though its impossible to have every woman in the world want you, there are many things you can do to improve your chances of appealing to as many women as possible. If you want to know how to catch the eye of a particular woman, check out How to Attract a Woman. If you want to know how to appeal to a variety of women, look no further. Method 1 of 3: Be Comfortable with Yourself Be confident in who you are. The first step to getting women to like you is to like yourself. If youre not happy with who you are, then the woman across the room is likely to not be impressed, either. Here are some ways to gain confidence in who you are: Be aware of your best attributes, whether its your sense of humor or ability to make anyone open up. Emphasize them whenever you meet someone new. Work to address your flaws. Nobodys perfect, but you can become a better person by making a concerted effort to improve yourself. Confidence is key, but if youre too pleased with yourself, you may come off looking arrogant, and that is a big turn-off. Learn to make fun of yourself. Without being self-deprecating, making the occasional joke about yourself will show that you dont take yourself too seriously. Be comfortable with how you look. You dont have to be a body builder to have a healthy body and to be happy with how you look. If youre not self-conscious about your body, you wont be a chick magnet. Here are some ways to improve the way you feel about how you look: Be brave and take a dance or power yoga class. Not only will you improve the way you look, but youll definitely meet some ladies in the process. Hitting up the gym a few times a week can improve your cardio, your muscle tone, and your self-esteem. Eat healthy foods. Eat three balanced meals a day and eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can. Avoid anything processed or fatty as much as you can, but splurge on the foods you really want once in a while. Dress well. Take time to wear well-fitting pants, clean shirts, and shoes that match your outfits. Making the effort to look nice will show the ladies that youre likely to make effort in other parts of your life, too. Love what you do. If you want to attract ladies, you should already be happy with not only who you are and how you look, but with how you spend most of your time. If youre unhappy with your job or studies, itll show, and the ladies will be put off by your negative attitude. Heres how to do it: If youre working, try to love your job as much as possible by building a relationship with your coworkers, appreciating the perks of your work, and trying to do the best job you can so you feel good about yourself. If youre in school, focus on the subjects that you love most so the ladies will see that there is something youre passionate about. Youll be a better student, will gain more knowledge, and will come off looking like a more interesting person. Take up hobbies that improve your life. If you dont have many hobbies already, pick something to be passionate about, such as running, reading historical non-fiction, or building furniture. As long as you dont spend all of your time obsessing about your hobbies, you will not only be more appealing to women, but will become a better person in the process of pursuing your interests. Lets face it---you may be in a place in your life where you dont like what you do very much. Work to change that, and in the meantime, try to keep your complaining to a minimum so the ladies dont think youre a pessimist. to be contiuned..........
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 10:08:24 +0000

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