## How to Avoid Training Injuries : Most training injuries are - TopicsExpress


## How to Avoid Training Injuries : Most training injuries are caused by one of the following: >Training too heavy, too often. >Training too frequently. >Training with poor exercise form. >Not listening to your body. Train too heavy : "Heavy training" is a relative term. Simply stated it means performing too many reps each week above 90% of your one rep max. Prilepin’s Table, which provides rep, set and volume guidelines based on what percentage of your one rep max you are working with, recommends no more than 4-10 reps on the 90%+ range. For most natural lifters, performing over 4 reps at 90%+ of your one rep max on a given week is too much. If you continue to train in this range, using a high volume of reps at 90% plus, it’s only a matter of time before you pick up a major strain or injury that prevents you from performing at your peak. Training too frequently : Frequent training can also lead to injury. As a general guideline it is recommend that you limit your weekly volume per bodypart to the following: >Major Bodyparts – 9 to 16 sets each week. >Minor Bodyparts – 3 to 9 sets each week. Major bodyparts include chest, shoulders, back and quads. Minor bodyparts include biceps, triceps, traps, abs, hamstrings and calves. These volume guidelines are independent of training split, meaning that whether you do a 4 day bodybuilding style split, or a fullbody workout, you will limit your total weekly sets as listed. Poor exercise form : It goes without saying that the combination of poor exercise form and heavy weight is dangerous. Never assume your form is perfect. Make efforts to constantly refine your form, and seek out more experienced lifters to help you with pointers. Listen to your body. If you start to perform an exercise and your muscles or connective tissue feel “off”, don’t push yourself ###
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 16:13:23 +0000

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