How to Be Happy Happiness — its what we all strive to find - TopicsExpress


How to Be Happy Happiness — its what we all strive to find and keep, even when its as elusive as ever. Nobody is jolly and elated all the time, but some individuals are definitely more fulfilled than others. Studies reveal that happiness has little to do with materialistic needs, goods, or wants, or high achievement; it boils down to your outlook on life, the quality of your relationships, and basic amenities like good governance and community resources.Tips and tricks on how to unlock the happier you. - Be optimistic. In the 1970s, researchers followed people whod won the lottery and found that a year afterward, they were no happier than people who didnt. This hedonic adaptation suggests that we each have a baseline level of happiness. No matter what happens, good or bad, the effect on our happiness is temporary, and we tend to revert to our baseline level. Some people have a higher baseline happiness level than others, and that is due in part to genetics, but its also largely influenced by how you think. - Follow your gut. In one study, two groups of people were asked to pick a poster to take home. One group was asked to analyze their decision, weighing pros and cons, and the other group was told to listen to their gut. Two weeks later, the group that followed their gut was happier with their posters than the group that analyzed their decisions. Now, some of our decisions are more crucial than picking out posters, but by the time youre poring over your choice, the options youre weighing are probably very similar, and the difference will only temporarily affect your happiness. - Make enough money to meet basic needs — food, shelter, and clothing. Your comfort may increase with your salary, but comfort isnt what makes people happy. It makes people bored. Thats why its important to push beyond your comfort zone to fuel personal growth. - Treat your body like it deserves to be happy. It may sound cheesy to say, but your brain isnt the only organ in your body that deserves to be happy. Researchers have found that exercise, healthy diets, and regular sleep are key factors in growing more happy and staying that way. - Be compassionate. Compassion is all about doing something kind for someone in need, or someone less privileged than yourself. A brain-imaging study (where scientists peek into peoples brains while they act or think) revealed that people gain as much happiness from watching others give to charity as they do receiving money themselves! - Have deep, meaningful conversations. A study by a psychologist at the University of Arizona has shown that spending less time participating in small talk and more time in deep, meaningful conversations can increase happiness. So next time youre beating around the bush with a friend, instead cut right to the chase. Youll be happier for it. - Find happiness in the job you have now: Many people expect the right job or career to dramatically change their level of happiness. But research makes it clear that your levels of optimism and quality of relationships eclipse the satisfaction gained from your job - Smile: Science suggests that when you smile, whether youre happy or not, your mood is elevated. So smile all the time if you can! Smiling is like a feedback loop: smiling reinforces happiness, just as happiness causes smiling. People who smile during painful procedures reported less pain than those who kept their facial features neutral - Forgive: In a study of college students, an attitude of forgiveness contributed to better cardiovascular health. You could say forgiveness literally heals the heart. While it is unknown how forgiveness directly affects your heart, the study suggests that it may lower the perception of stress. - Choose Happy People as friend. The energies of other people affect us directly, so select your friends and acquaintances well. Get close to people who are happiness magnets and keep your distance with people who like to be doomed. Meet regularly with friends who cheer you up and make you have great hope. When you interact with people who share your interests, you feel happier due to sensations of reward and well-being. This is because during such interactions, endorphin and dopamine — neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of happiness and relaxation — are released into the body. In other words, your body is designed to feel happier when engaged in social interactions. - Finally, Think of something that made you laugh or smile, even if its from a long time ago. Itll still have the same effect.Dont be afraid to admit when youre down and need a lift. Conversely, if a person is a negative influence who drags you down, dont be afraid to remove such a person from your life. However, it is even better when you can see the potential in people, and help them. As with charity, this is beneficial to both you and them; and you have a valuable friend afterwards who is grateful of your aid. Happy Thursday ;).
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 12:45:51 +0000

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