How to Become Famous Being respected by name and - TopicsExpress


How to Become Famous Being respected by name and reputation alone? Turning heads as you walk down the street? Being asked for autographs? The public life of the famous seems glamorous and desirable for many of us. While some get lucky by accident, wikiHow can teach you how to take advantage of your opportunities to become famous, how you want to be famous: by doing what you love. Ad 1 2 3 4 5 Decide what youll be famous for. Do you want to out-cook Gordon Ramsay? Do you want to record duets with Beyonce or sell novels like J.K. Rowling? Selecting a fame-worthy career is the first step toward becoming famous. Artistic careers like music, acting, writing, or painting require one to build a business of one. Youll have to sell yourself in any of these fields and build a name for yourself, which is some level of fame. If someone youve never met knows your name, thats a level of fame. We associate careers in the arts-- actors and musicians--with fame, but any public figure qualifies as famous. Politicians, football coaches, local business owners, and even weathermen are recognizable in the grocery store. Consider public service. Doctors, lawyers, and firemen can become locally or regionally famous for their deeds. You dont need to be Kanye West to consider yourself famous. Be the best. Sounds simple, right? To become famous at whatever it is you hope to become famous for requires that you perfect the craft of that particular thing. Devote yourself entirely to developing your skills. If you want to record rap music, or become a pro football player, you have to throw yourself into that world completely. Forget fame at this stage. Kendrick Lamar, one of the hottest, most famous recent rappers to appear on the scene, is famous because of his extreme dedication to his craft and the art that he makes, not because he wanted to be famous. YouTube is filled with hopeless fame-seekers who skipped this step entirely and jumped right into marketing their terrible music full- time. No one will want to listen to your music if it doesnt strike some chord with them. Wait until its good enough, until your music is better than what you hear on the radio. [1] Music thats so bad its good falls under the category of infamy. Still, youre striking some chord with an audience. Acts like Krispy Kreme, Die Antwoord, and rapper Riff Raff still know an incredible amount about the music theyre making, and how to build a lot of irony into it. Rebecca Blacks Friday and the limited fame she received from it was the result of a professional marketing campaign. Find mentors. Find someone who does what you want to do better than you do it and learn everything you can. When youre better than them, find someone else and continue the learning process. If you want to be an actor, study with the best teachers, watch all the films of your favorite actors, and write to them for advice. If you want to write poetry, read nothing but poetry. Study it, copy it out, read it out loud, write it on the walls of your bedroom. Be unique. Being unique is critical to fame. If youre an actor, what sets you apart from everyone else trying out for plays? What will make someone remember you? Steve Buscemi has one of the most memorable faces and vocal deliveries in Hollywood films, but isnt what you would call traditionally handsome. His charm is his unique ability to portray a character. Learn as much as you can about the field you want to crack into. If you want to write popular novels that sell millions of copies and are turned into major motion pictures, youll need to know what kind of novels sell well and what kind of novels people want to read. Read them, but dont copy them. Everyone wants something new and accessible. Look at the style of the novels but consider new kinds of characters, situations, and structures that arent being written. If you want to become a famous trial lawyer, youre not going to be able to do anything too radically different--you still have to convince a jury of someones guilt or innocence. But, the style of your delivery, demeanor, and even fashion can be a way of distinguishing yourself. Likewise, your advertisements. Marketing yourself in a unique way is a great way to build a client or fan base, whatever your field.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 02:40:51 +0000

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