How to Become an MMA Champion Steps 1. Find a good team. Joining - TopicsExpress


How to Become an MMA Champion Steps 1. Find a good team. Joining a good MMA team is one of the most important things any fighter can do. If you do not have good training partners and a good coach, then you wont get very far in this sport. Find a coach and team that has produced the results you are looking for in your own training and stick with them. When looking for the right team, you should look at what thehave done in the past. • Have they produced champions? • Has the coach led the team members to become well rounded mixed martial artists? 2. Get motivated and stay motivated. Think of all the MMA greats. Men like Randy Couture, Matt Hughes, Dan Hardy and Georges St. Pierre. What do they all have in common? An undying motivation to become the best they can possibly be. To take their skill to its absolute peak and become a champion. So, how do you get motivated? Well if you are reading this article then most likely you already have some motivation, some drive to reach your potential. So it is really just a question of growing it and not letting anything hamper its growth. There are hundreds of ways to do this, but for this article, lets just take one: • The company you keep. This is simple but powerful. If you hang around people who are on the same path as you and are motivated themselves, then you will become motivated. And likewise, if you hang around naysayers and people who dont support what youre doing, then your motivation will be gone in no time. 3. rain like a champion. If you train like a B level fighter then you will become just that. Likewise, if you train with the same intensity and dedication of a champion, then your chances of becoming one greatly improves. Training at that level will include pushing your conditioning to its limits, learning all the skills needed to have well rounded technique, eating a good diet and doing these things consistently. • That being said, a word of caution to this: Do not take it overboard! There comes a point where your body needs to rest and recover. If you choose to push yourself beyond that point, then it will adversely effect your performance. Learn to recognize this point and when you get to it, give your body the rest it needs. 4. Think experience, experience, experience. Gaining ring experience is vital to being able to fight to your full potential. A very common thing for fighters is going into a fight, and due to nerves, not perform up to their potential. Although there is no cure for the nerves, you can combat the effect they have on you. How do you do that? How do you function with all those crazy feeling coming up inside you? There is only one way. By becoming accustomed to them. By going through those feelings again and again, you will start to learn how to function even in the midst of them. So, when you are ready, go ahead and step into the ring and let the experience teach you. 5. Be remarkable. Which fighters do the promoters love to have fight? Which ones do they want to give a title shot to? Which ones do the fans beg to see fighting for the belt? You probably guessed it by now. The exciting, entertaining, and remarkable fighters are the ones. If you become the one that everyone is talking about, then you will have an easier time getting that shot at the title. How do you become the kind of fighter everyone talks about? Here are a few ways. • Always try to finish your opponent. Exciting knockouts and submissions are a lot more fun to watch than decisions. • Show your personality. If you have a great of memorable personality then you will get a lot more exposure. What if you dont have personality? Well, then just do everything else suggested throughout the article and youll definitely still have a shot. 6. Always take the opportunity to practice technique. Whenever you are training never miss an opportunity. Say you are doing bag drills (60 seconds on 20 off) dont just swing like a maniac, use your techniques. If you can keep good form when your arms are ready to drop off, then you have a much better chance of performing at the top of your game when you’re in the cage. No matter where you are or what you’re doing the motions of martial arts are in everything; take these opportunities to perfect your techniques.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 21:22:30 +0000

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