How to Curl Your Hair with Old Fashioned Hair Curlers Donna - TopicsExpress


How to Curl Your Hair with Old Fashioned Hair Curlers Donna Daniels Donna Daniels, Yahoo Contributor Network Sep 12, 2007 Share your voice on Yahoo websites. Start Here. More: Curling Rags FlagPost a comment Curled hair is beautiful and can enhance your face. Curling hair can be done in many ways like with curling irons, hot curlers, and blow dryers with a curling brush to name just a few. All these methods work great and can make hair look beautiful. Modern methods of curling hair are easy and fast. Rag curls can take more time but the time spent can be worth it and once you get good at it you may like the extra time it takes. The old fashioned rag curler is a great way to curl hair and the curls last a long time. Rag curls have been used for centuries to curl hair. The rags are soft and they do not hurt to sleep on them. Rag curls take some time to put in hair but since you can sleep on them they will curl your hair as you sleep and the curls are very tough and last a long time. Rag curlers are easy to make and economical. To make your own rag curlers you should have a piece of soft cloth like an old pillowcase or sheet. Then take a scissors and cut out strips of clothe that are about two inches wide and eight inches long. These strips are the actually curlers that you use on the hair. The best time to use rag curlers is after you have just washed the hair. After you are done washing the hair decide how to want the hair curled. Then take a rag strip and place it at the end of the hair. Curl the hair around the rag strip and then curl the hair and the rag together until you get to the place where you want the curl to stop like the scalp. You can stop the curl sooner if you want. After you have the hair and rag curled together you can tie the rag to itself. Then you should have a curl of hair in the rag and you can let the whole thing dry together. You can make as many or as few rags curls as you want. Drying rag curls can take a long time that is why it is good make up the curls before you go so sleep then when you awake your hair is dried and curled. It may take some practice making rag curls before you get good at it. But many people like rag curls and find them hardy and able to last all day. And when you practice at it you can find what ways you like to make the rag curls. This is so funny not really like the old tin roller curls but different maybe more Shirley Temple like. youtube/watch?v=4TUh4nzpKLw
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 21:11:39 +0000

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