How to Date an Aquarius Male Youve found a man whos ruled by - TopicsExpress


How to Date an Aquarius Male Youve found a man whos ruled by the sign of Aquarius, huh? Hes probably super creative, dynamic, and marching to the beat of his own drum. No wonder youre falling for him! Want to get a grip on his intriguing personality and see if you can ride the wind with him? Heres the rundown on those born between January 20 and February 18 -- Aquarius, the water bearer. (1) 1- Be friends first. Aquarians arent interested in the one-trick pony thats obviously trying to get with them. They want something more interesting. Something more dynamic. Going all out in one fell swoop isnt enough. Take it slow, show them youre worth the time, and be friends first. Your aim is to be the friend that stands out. Aquarians (not to be confused with aquariums) want something special. Something that can captivate them. They know better than to judge a book by its cover, so theyll need to read you first. Let them get absorbed in your pages. 2- Value his mind. The Aquarian is the one you find whos spilling with creativity. Whether hes behind a camera or a paintbrush, hes full of vision and drive. His entire life is outside the proverbial box and hes often on a different wavelength than others. If you show him that you get this, that you get it and you appreciate it, youll be leagues above the others who are just smiling and nodding away at him. Hell love it. Ask him questions! Get curious about what hes up to. Is he writing a song? Turning his basement into a veritable spy facility? Painting a mural on the side of the school? Be interested! And if you can add your skills into the equation, too, all the better. 3- Show your intellect. This is by far the greatest aphrodisiac for the Aquarian. There’s nothing like a lively chat rich in culture and future possibilities to get this sign going. He knows hes got it going on upstairs; he wants someone else to talk to whos got it going on too! Aquarians are just about interested in everything. So dont worry about what you can talk about to impress him. Whatever youre passionate about should be what you engage him on. Hell love seeing your zest for life. 4. Appeal to his eccentric side. Since he feels a bit different than everyone else, sometimes he can feel a little abnormal. Show him that his eccentric side is something you love -- and its something you can even relate to! Be unusual. Be original. Do your own thing. How else will you stand out? When it comes to you, do your own thing. Wear whatever clothes you feel like. Act on a whim. Dont be afraid to be too loud or too reserved or too different. Who wants to be vanilla anyway? 5. Dont come on too strong. Aquarius craves freedom and independence. If you come on too strong, hell be gone like the wind. Hes not into emotions and getting too clingy/desperate/intense is not appealing to any of his sensibilities. Thats part of the reason being friends first is so important! Let him know that you are cool and casual. Be a little detached. Nothing is a big deal with you. That lack of stress and drama is something Aquarians definitely are attracted to. That way when he does ask you out, he knows you wont freak out one way or another. 6. Have a fun, not super serious relationship in mind. In general, its pretty hard to tie an Aquarius down, at least initially. They dont like talking about labels or being boxed in to anything. If you take is slow and dont put pressure on the relationship, itll last much, much longer. Your relationship, at least in the beginning stages, is all about enjoying each other and having fun. And there is nothing wrong with that. If you want to go to the chapel after 5 dates, calm it down. There can be time for that later. (2) 1. Keep the surprises coming. Since Aquarius is curious about everything, they love surprises. They love learning, they love experience, they love doing -- they love living to the fullest. A spicy, fulfilling relationship to them is one that keeps their brains running, wondering whats around the corner. So surprise them! Dont be afraid to go for the shock factor. Its almost impossible to shock an Aquarius, so make it a personal challenge to do so! Suggest doing some crazy things -- chocolate covered grasshoppers, anyone? 2. Talk about everything. Aquarians, in general, are open books. They have no qualms when it comes to talking about even the most taboo of topics. Engage them in politics, current events, morals and ethics -- whatever it is, theyll take it and run with it. The more things youre capable of talking about together, the better! Dont worry about offending their principles. They love hearing others opinions, even if they dont agree with their own. So long as you have an opinion and a reason to stand behind it, theyll respect what you have to say. As far as the signs go, theyre one of the best, most diplomatic arguers and conversationalists. 3. Get creative together. You know how we talked about Aquarius creativity? Do it together! While you should definitely have separate hobbies, do spend some of your free time combining powers. Whether its pottery, designing a website, or planning a trip, your relationship will be that much sturdier when you have projects to work on. One of the benefits of dating an Aquarius? They can teach you. If you dont know thing one about photography, playing the piano, or whatever it is your Aquarius does well, have him show you the ropes. Youll stand on your own two feet eventually, but in the meantime, let him wrap his arms around you while you both click the buttons or pound the ivories. 4. Use reason and logic, not emotion. Aquarius is a sign that resonates strongest in the brain. His heart is not something he uses often -- or at least willingly. If you want to relate to him, use reason and logic. Dont use tears, guilt, or any other feeling to get your way. It wont work. But a sound argument just might! If youre having a fight, explain how youre feeling in the most reasonable of terms. Remove yourself from you for a bit and take a more objective stance. Instead of saying, Oh my gosh!!, why did you use the last of the toilet paper and not tell me?! say, I was very inconvenienced by not having any toilet paper and couldve avoided the situation if you had told me. Hell respond much more promptly. 5. Know that he can be avoidant. So heres the thing about Aquarius: since theyre not really keen on emotions, theyre susceptible to freaking out when they get them. So if your man starts being a bit avoidant or anxious, it actually could be because his feelings are getting too strong. When this happens, remember this fact -- or the relationship will fall apart very quickly. The only thing you can really do is to talk about it. Dont jump to any conclusions and be as tactful as possible. A simple, Hey, Ive noticed a change in your behavior recently might be enough for him to fess up. And definitely dont freak out yourself! (3) 1. Know that he is an air sign. You dont have to do a lot of math to figure out what this means: Aquarius is like the wind -- flowing free, there one minute, gone the next. Sometimes fierce, sometimes gentle, but always doing its own thing. In order to be compatible with Mr. Water Bearer, you gotta let him have his independence. This by no means he wont be faithful or loyal. That has nothing to do with it. It simply means that he needs to feel that hes his own person and is free to do as he pleases. Trust that as he pleases is the behavior of a good boyfriend! 2. Be yourself. Sometimes youd swear your Aquarius alter ego was Holden Caulfield -- he absolutely cant stand phonies. He can see right through you if you start self-presenting and image-maintaining so dont do it. Relax. Know that yourself is all he wants. Be honest at all times. Honesty and sincerity are essential for anyone seeking a long-term connection to this dynamic personality. When it comes to love, people best suited are those that are not thrown off by Aquarian frankness and honesty. Open, communicative, imaginative, and willing to risk are all qualities that blend well with this sign’s perspective on life. 3. Dont get too emotionally charged. Mr. Aqua doesnt do well with intense dramatics. If you run around with your hands in the air, crying, muttering nonsense between gulps of tears, hell go sit down on the couch and turn on the TV. Its not that he doesnt care about you, its that he doesnt care for theatrics. On the same token, he probably wont display emotion on a grand scale, either -- both positive and negative. So when you think hell be super excited about something, know that he just may be somewhere deep inside -- hes just not showing it. 4. Be open-minded. Your man is totally open to all walks of life, all opinions, and all philosophies. Hes not a fence-sitter or a people pleaser, he just sees it all. Itd serve you well to be open-minded, too! At least for those times when he sits down to dinner with a raging -ist and isnt giving them the third degree. Youll also need to be open to all his eccentricities. Where most people may find them strange, your open-mindedness will find them endearing. You realize that there is no normal, but there is unique and original -- too very wonderful qualities! 5. Go with the flow. A relationship with an Aquarius can be interesting, indeed. Since youre not putting too much pressure on them, its important to just hang tight and see where it goes. Let the breeze take you wherever it goes. When he wants to be serious, youll know. And you can decide if you want to be serious then, too. Some people find it difficult to allow the other person this sense of control. Dont think of it like this! Youre simply enjoying yourself. You both are. Why would that need to end? Dont worry about the long-term. Hes not! After all, you only have today. So live it up, have fun, and have fun with your dynamic, fascinating, intriguing water bearer.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 13:25:57 +0000

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