How to Defeat Boehner on Benghazi Dear Member: Every man has - TopicsExpress


How to Defeat Boehner on Benghazi Dear Member: Every man has got a breaking point. So when John Boehner said he’d ram through ‘Instant Amnesty’ with Pelosi-Democrat votes, a seething Rep. Dana Rohrabacher hit back hard, threatening to oust Boehner as House Speaker. It was more than a threat. Rohrabacher was ready to back it up with action. ‘If Speaker Boehner moves forward and permits this to come to a vote even though the majority of the Republicans in the House… oppose… he should be removed as Speaker,’ said Rohrabacher. Under the pressure of losing his Speakership, Boehner caved within 24-hours. What does this say about Speaker Boehner? Just apply the right amount of pressure to Boehner’s weakest link (his Speakership), and he’ll buckle under the pressure. We must take exactly the same approach with Speaker Boehner on Benghazi. We must force his hand, and we must do so quickly and with action. Help Support Our Campaign The fact is because of your support for our national grassroots campaign, Revive America had nearly brought Speaker Boehner to his knees on Benghazi only three weeks ago. The Hill newspaper credited Revive with starting a ‘GOP Rebellion’ against Speaker Boehner on Benghazi. In just days, we went from 48 to over 150 House Republican cosponsors – a majority of the Majority. In fact, the pressure became so intense that Speaker Boehner was forced to allow Chairman Darrell Issa to hold a one-day hearing on Benghazi. But then on a Friday afternoon, the IRS scandal exploded, taking Benghazi off the front pages and out of the headlines. It’s as simple as that. Consequently, all of the pressure we’d heaped upon Speaker Boehner for weeks dissipated overnight. Where are we today? Here is the very latest: Over two-thirds of all House Republicans – 158 cosponsors – support Rep. Frank Wolf’s House Select Committee to investigate Benghazi. Speaker Boehner, America’s last line of defense against Obama, continues to block the Select Committee. He has strongly opposed a special Benghazi committee since last November. As a result, America still does not know who issued that most cowardly and disgraceful order to our troops to ‘Stand Down’ – to abandon four Americans to slaughter. What has Speaker Boehner’s failed approach to Benghazi accomplished? Hillary Clinton is earning $250,000 a speech, and is poised to be President. Obama, in between vacations, fundraisers, and golf outings, is arming Al Qaeda in Syria. And Susan Rice, who gives every liar in Washington a bad name, got promoted to National Security Advisor. Who said crime doesn’t pay! On Benghazi, Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Susan Rice couldn’t ask for a better friend than John Boehner on Capitol Hill. This is an outrage that cannot be allowed to stand! Go Here Now to Help Revive America Force the Hand of Speaker Boehner on Benghazi We clearly must bring the fight directly to Speaker John Boehner. Will you stand with me in this fight? Please back our efforts with your support of $25, $50, $100, or $250, or any amount whatsoever. We’ll put your contribution to work immediately. Go Here Now to Donate Thank you for all that you do. Remember Benghazi! Bob Adams President & Founder
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 06:11:33 +0000

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