How to Destroy Legalism I dont know anyone who self-identifies - TopicsExpress


How to Destroy Legalism I dont know anyone who self-identifies as a Legalist and yet legalism thrives. How do we destroy the system without destroying people? For answers, read on. In my opinion, abuse is inherent to fundamentalism. As in most abusive situations the fundamentalist leaders goal is to beat victims into silence. Once the abuser gains full control he or she maintains it through fear and intimidation. The goal is to make you realize a NEED for the abusive situation, and to become totally dependent upon the abuser. Thats what a large portion of fundamentalism does. It replaces the freedom Jesus purchased with reliance on man-made systems which promise Heaven but lead to Hell. Disobey house (church) rules? Go to Hell. Question dogma? Go to Hell. Abusers phrase it this way...These chains are your only path to survival. Consider how similar that quote is to the following scripture excerpts... Garments without spot or wrinkle and Sin can never enter there. And then the Legalist’s interpretation and application of those scriptures: No jewelry wearers will make it in. No make-up wearers will enter in. No TV watchers will enter in. No ball game goers will enter in. No hair cutters will enter in. No shorts wearers will enter in. No Trinitarians will enter in. The list is endless and expands and contracts at the whim of each pastor. And all of this, simply ALL of this, misses the heart of Christianity; Jesus did not come to enforce obedience to Law, He came to set us free. (See Luke 4:18,19) The message of the Legalists is Be afraid. Be very afraid. If they can get you hearer to buy in to the fear they can then hit you with the knockout punch which is My church, message, or ministry is the only thing that can save you from this thing Ive convinced you to fear. Their system collapses without your fear. Let it.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 18:42:22 +0000

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