How to Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Edited by Skiper11, - TopicsExpress


How to Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Edited by Skiper11, Jack Herrick, Ben Rubenstein, Cem and 145 others Four Parts:Being AmazingWinning Her HeartKeeping Your Mind OpenTreating Her as an Equal Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Intro Version 2.jpg If you want a girl out there to fall in love with you, chances are that youll have to go that extra step to win her over. Thats okay, though, because youre probably willing to do anything it takes. Follow the suggestions in this article to get a girl to fall in love with you. Love is an art, not a science, so try to think of these steps as fluid guidelines. Ad Part 1 of 4: Being Amazing Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Step 1 Version 2.jpg 1 Take care of yourself first. If you want a girl to fall in love with you, you need to show her that you’re capable of loving yourself first. Practice good hygiene, wear nice clothes (clean and no holes!), and exercise and eat right to keep your body feeling strong and healthy. When you show people that you think you’re worthy of love by loving yourself, they’re much more likely to agree! For example, you should make sure you brush your teeth regularly. Dont forget about deodorant either! Ad Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Step 2.jpg 2 Live your life. Who wants to get into a serious relationship with someone who just sits around all day? If you want her to fall in love with you, get out there and show her that you live a great life. Go out and do the things that make you happy, fill your life with learning and exploration, and pursue your dreams. Always work hard and girls will fall for you in no time. Have you always wanted to make your own video game? It is possible to do that! Write a book? Go get em, tiger! Become a master spelunker? You can do it! Follow your dreams and youll find that girls are attracted to your passion and determination. Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Step 3.jpg 3 Show her your lovable qualities. People dont just decide with whom they want to fall in love. Love happens because the people involved have lovable qualities. Love often develops over time, so your job is to show the girl that youre worth being around. Let your personality shine through, and give her the chance to see who you really are and what you have to offer. A good lovable quality to have is kindness. Be kind to everyone and go out of your way to help people. Dont be selfish, but rather self sacrificing. Help others achieve their dreams. Your girl will be very impressed. 4 Be funny. Get a sense of humor. Its no secret that girls love guys who can crack a joke or be funny. Practice jokes on your friends every so often, and learn the jokes that work and the ones that dont work. When youre alone with a girl, telling a joke can be a great way to break the tension. Remember: if youre not good at jokes, you can still have a good sense of humor––you just have to love laughing and being around people who are funny. Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Step 5 Version 2.jpg 5 Be playful. One of the most important things girls look for in a partner is playfulness. So you want to be playful because she probably thinks that playfulness is attractive. How can you be playful? Make a boring routine, like studying, make it interesting and funny by turning your math problem into a song, for example. Dont take things too seriously. And most importantly, be able to laugh at yourself. Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Step 6.jpg 6 Have confidence. To be genuinely lovable, you have to believe that you are worth being around. Most girls arent attracted to people who are constantly putting themselves down. So be confident, but not cocky. Know what you are good at. Dont brag about it or show off, but put these things into your routine and dont be afraid to let them shine every once in awhile. If you do feel the need to take a jab at yourself, make sure you present it as a joke. Laugh at the mistakes you make and the stupid things you do, as well as the things you dont like about yourself. Seriously, you DO NOT want me to ask you to dance. Im a terrible dancer. Danger to myself and others. Its best for everyone. Ads by save onAd Options Part 2 of 4: Winning Her Heart Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Step 7.jpg 1 Get to know her. Getting to know her is about more than just memorizing her birthday and when she was born. Spend time with her, build trust, and come to appreciate the things about her that she doesn’t often show. Learn about her fear of water (and why she’s afraid) or learn about her most embarrassing moment (and help her laugh it off). Understand how she thinks and what she believes. This will help you love her as a complete person, and she will appreciate that more than you can understand. One good way to start is by asking her opinion on religion or politics. This will not only give you the chance to get to know her better, but it will also show her that you think shes smart and her opinions are worthwhile. 2 Find out what she likes to do. Then do those things with her. Doing something that you know she likes has the added advantages that she feels comfortable and safe doing it. If shes comfortable when youre out on a date, shes more likely get close to you, hold your hand, or even kiss you. Whether she likes surfing, horseback riding, shopping, or baking, its a good idea to try to involve her in what she likes doing best. Ask her friend what she enjoys doing in her free time, or ask her yourself if youre feeling brave. (Fortune favors you.) That way, shell know that youve taken the time to find out what makes her tick, and that youre ready to go that extra mile to make sure shes happy. Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Step 9.jpg 3 Take her out on great dates. Bonding over something she likes doesnt need to be a date, but if you want love to blossom, youre going to have to ask her on a date at some point. When youre ready to take that step, try someplace familiar like the movies, a coffee shop, or a dance. Maybe try taking her to an amusement park or a haunted house; studies suggest that excitement or a sense of danger on a date helps release a chemical in the brain that bonds the two people together. Be strategic about whether you call it a date. Generally, if youve already won the girl over, you want to make it clear that youre going on a date. Thats because she expects you to take the next step, and she wants to make sure youre both on the same page. But if you havent won the girl over yet, its probably best to slow-play the courtship, and win her over as a friend before you move on to the romantic relationship. Sometimes, the girl will resist a romantic relationship if shes not sure about whether youre good friends. 4 Give her space. This doesnt mean playing hard-to-get, but give the girl control over what happens next. Suffocating her and bullying her into a relationship will do the opposite of what youre hoping for. Show her you respect her life outside of you; when you give a girl room to breathe, she will often come to love you on her own terms. When you give her space, avoid being too distant. Keep calling her regularly and showing her that youre interested. If youre shy, dont give her too much space or shell think youre not interested. Youre going to have to come out of your shell a little bit if you want to get her attention. If youve just gone on a date with her, and everything has gone really well, tell her youll call her before the weekend is up if its Friday. Let her do her own thing on Saturday, and then give her a call on Sunday and tell her you had a really good time and youd like to do something soon, perhaps next weekend. This would be a great time to ask her out to any parties or dances that are happening. Giving her space is all about showing her how confident you are. What youre basically saying is I had a great time with you, and I like you, but Im not going to come on super strong because Im not desperate. Girls and guys are both attracted to people who are cool and calm, who dont jump the gun, and who arent desperate. Part 3 of 4: Keeping Your Mind Open Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Step 12.jpg 1 Dont judge her. Dont judge any girl that you develop feelings for. They are their own person, with their own qualities just like you are. We all do things that drive other people crazy or seem weird. If she does stuff that you cant even try to understand, then shes just not the girl for you. That doesnt make her a bad person and you shouldnt be mean to her about those things. Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Step 13.jpg 2 Eliminate all expectations. Love lives in the absence of pressure. Letting go of your expectations will help you to relax, which will make you more appealing to a girl than if you are uptight and worried. Teach yourself to expect nothing from the girl so that you cannot be disappointed. If she does fall in love with you, youll be pleasantly surprised. Remember that there are plenty of fish in the sea. If this particular girl doesnt work out, there will be other girls. If you dont get that special girl to fall in love with you, try not to get mopey and sad about it. It may feel good to pity yourself, but girls dont really think its attractive. 3 Open your eyes to the possibilities. Girls are everywhere, and many girls are looking to fall in love. Dont get too hung up on getting one particular girl to fall in love with you, and dont try to force love on a girl who just isnt feeling it! Get to know more girls and give love more opportunities to blossom. Go to school socials and functions. Dont be afraid to go to a different schools social if a friend invites you. You never know when you might meet that special someone wholl knock the wind out of your lungs. Sometimes, when you stop looking for love, it hits you right in the face. The universe works in weird ways. Especially if youve tried really hard recently, or you think youve just run out of energy, dont be afraid to pull back from the fray. It sounds counter-intuitive, and its frustrating to do, but it works: when you stop trying, girls tend to find you. Be adventurous for her. Maybe the girls you know all have boyfriends, or maybe they dont cut it for you. Plenty of guys these days are finding love outside of their immediate circles. If youre old enough, try internet dating. If youre interested in extracurriculars, get involved on a wider basis so that you could potentially travel. When looking for that girl of your dreams, it helps to keep an open mind and try as many different adventures as life throws at you. Part 4 of 4: Treating Her as an Equal How to Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You part4step1.jpg 1 Respect her thoughts, feelings and emotions. Try to see everything from her point of view. Show her you appreciate and admire her opinions. More than that, you can try to adopt her point of view. 2 Be honest and genuine with yourself and with her, always. Honesty builds trust, but once the trust is broken, it never returns. From that moment on, your words will be suspect. Reveal your true heart and soul. Do not fear to bare all. Show genuine intentions. Be honest and open about your plans, wants and desires. If she is not OK with these, you have, at least, established a starting point which can then be adjusted in order that you come to know each other more closely. How to Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You part4step3.jpg 3 Be willing to listen and communicate. The most important aspect is to learn to listen patiently and passively as a sounding board. The understanding that you gain will help to communicate in a caring and helpful way. As part of this process, recognize her wants and needs. Be truly open to her expressions and feelings, both verbalized and held deep within. How to Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You part4step4.jpg 4 Accept her individuality. Work to understand what make her unique. Actively celebrate her uniqueness and work to promote and enable her to pursue and develop the core activities which bring her happiness and satisfaction. How to Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You part4step5.jpg 5 Help her achieve her dreams. Much like giving her space, you should help her do the things that she wants to do for herself. This will usually mean letting her spend time working on the things that she wants to work on, like school or a skill, or doing those things with her. When she sees that you are someone who supports her in the things she wants for her life, she’ll know that you’re exactly what she needs. 6 Show dedication and commitment. Be there for her always, as a friend and a confident. Forgive her weaknesses quickly and work to fortify the best in her. Similarly, be open to her making you into the best person you can be. Committed love is a partnership, where you both bring out the best in each other. Hold yourself to that standard, as you get her to fall for you and beyond. Ad Ads by save onAd Options Add your own method 1. Save Test Your Knowledge Get a Girl to Fall in Love with You Quiz Tips Avoid talking negative about yourself. Dont think of yourself as some stupid little guy. Always be yourself! Make proper eye contact and pay close attention to her actions. This makes her feel that you are interested in her. Having the ability to talk to girl freely, but also in a way that will make it a lot easier for you to get response from any girl that you are after. Be funny and humorous, but not at the expense of another. You may really want someone to fall in love with you, but make sure that you use your head as well as your heart. Love is only the starting point of a healthy relationship. The rest depends on communication, compatibility and commitment. Be careful not to jump the gun. If you push her into it too quickly, she might get the wrong impression. Start talking to her, and always be friendly, nice. You should start emailing or texting her. After youve talked for about a week and a half or so, ask her out on a date. But never express your feelings directly. One phrase doesnt change a girls mind about you. You will soon see how she feels. What you must know, is that you are either attracted to someone or not, if she has no feelings towards you she most likely never will. But if she keeps talking to you after you state your feeling, and keeps talking regularly then youve got a good chance. Stick with it. Do what she loves to do
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 12:31:10 +0000

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