How to Go Insane Going insane is really quite simple. It - TopicsExpress


How to Go Insane Going insane is really quite simple. It doesn’t take much to start it up, and once you are on the path to insanity, there is no going back. It all really starts with what we do in our daily lives. It doesn’t matter what you do really. You could be a teenager in high school, or a successful businessman, or even a fresh out of college graduate, but it doesn’t really matter. We are all able to go insane. All it takes is an ability to give up and be able to put ourselves in horrible positions. But hey, we all do that every day so it shouldn’t be a problem. It all starts with your home life. You must first develop a good and functional relationship with your family, or your spouse, or your mate, or whatever you have at home. Then, after you have that relationship working well, you have to do something really stupid to mess it all up. You could go cheat on your spouse or your mate, or you could stop communicating with your family entirely. Now, don’t freak out, you aren’t going insane yet. That’s just the start to the stress. There is more… much more. Next is to have a good work life. Have a steady job, or have great grades and be able to do something successful with all of it. You have to have it all perfectly in place so it is all going well for you. Then, right when it is least expected, you have to quit your job, or get fired. Don’t look to me for ideas to get fired, I mean come on. If you really can’t think of something just go up and punch your boss in the face or something. As for students, you need to ruin your great academic average and fail everything. You have to do badly on very test and even go as far as maybe getting tossed out of your school. Yeah, that would really do the trick to help go insane. Go ahead and do that. The next on the list is your social life. You have to have all of these good friends, and be able to keep up an appearance in front of important people so you can impress them. Dress nicely, and look presentable. You are about to do something crazy. In the middle of a public event, you need to get in a huge fight with a close friend of yours. Oh no, don’t worry about making a scene in front of everyone, it’s all part of the process for slowly slipping into madness. And besides, you just gave them entertainment for the evening, and a great story to go tell all of their friends. You just destroyed your reputation and you lose all respect from others, and all your closest friends. Well, ok maybe you keep one, but they are now really nervous about being with you anymore. The last part to go is your personal life. After you have eliminated all of those “distractions” from your life. I mean, who needs friends, or a job, or school, or family right? They only want what’s best for you. But no, you are looking to lose your sanity. You have lost it all and you sit alone in a room. No people around. You start talking to yourself because you can’t talk to anyone else. You begin to pace and even argue with yourself. Yes, that is a good sign. You are nearly there. You may be asking now, “well, what makes me get there?” the part of this whole thing that will assure you losing your sanity is when you get up from that seat and stop arguing with yourself, and you go back and fix everything. You go out and repair the damages done, but you do it just so it can all happen again. You may not want it to happen again, but hey, you lost your sanity so it will happen again. There is nothing you can do to stop it. You can’t stop yourself unless you kill yourself, but don’t do that. That would be totally insane. You can’t go that far with it. That’s just illogical. Stick to making hell for yourself for all the days of your life and having to live with it no matter what. Only then are you truly insane. Join us. We need more people like us. Maybe if there are more we can finally be seen as normal. Join us… join us… Written By: Jacob D. Strozyk
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 05:38:28 +0000

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