How to Hit a Divot While Striking a Golf Ball As Paul Casey - TopicsExpress


How to Hit a Divot While Striking a Golf Ball As Paul Casey demonstrates at Dubai, ground conditions may keep your divot from being a single strip of turf Divots are nothing more than strips of earth dug up after your club hits the ball. You might think its silly to put so much emphasis on what you do to the ground. But if you take a good divot after you hit the ball, thats proof you made a good strike. Step 1 Address the ball as you normally would. A short iron is the easiest club to use when learning to take a divot. With a short iron, the ball will be in the middle of your stance. Put your weight slightly more on your left side (if you play right-handed) with the shaft tilted forward slightly. Your knees should be slightly flexed and your hands should be a little bit in front of the ball. Step 2 Keep the club on plane during your swing. Forget complicated techniques – all you need to do is make sure the butt of your club points toward the ball on the takeaway and on the way down. You can check this during your practice swing. Simply cock your wrists halfway into your backswing – about waist high – and make sure the butt of the club points toward the ball. Do the same halfway into your downswing. If the butt of the club points toward the ball, the club shaft is on plane. Step 3 Strike down on the ball. Too many players straighten up when making their downswing. If so, youre trying to hit the ball too hard, tensing up and straightening your legs and back. Your knees should remain slightly bent throughout your entire swing. This ensures that you keep turning your body through the bottom part of your swing, so you make good contact with the ball. Step 4 Hit the ball first on your downswing. The ball doesnt need your help to get up into the air. By making a downward strike and hitting the ball first, you put backspin on the ball; that makes it go up into the air. After you hit the ball, the club continues to go down toward the ground. Since youre turning through the shot, the club will hit the ground in front of the ball and take a divot. Step 5 Finish your swing. Dont just stick the club into the ground. You want to make a good turn through the ball. Youll slice out a nice divot. Its size will vary, depending on how hard the ground is, the slope youre on, and other factors. Tips Short irons take bigger divots than mid-irons. Hybrid and fairway wood shots may just pick the ball and not take a divot at all. This happens for two reasons. First, the longer-shafted clubs put the ball farther from you, so your swing isnt as steep as it is with the short irons. Also, the ball is placed more forward in your stance with the longer clubs, so the club is traveling more level to the ground. While the ball is in the middle of your stance for your short irons, it will be as much as a couple of inches farther ahead with your fairway woods.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 04:29:10 +0000

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