How to Make Strategic Planning Implementation Work Develop a - TopicsExpress


How to Make Strategic Planning Implementation Work Develop a Strategic Culture for Successful Strategic Planning Implementation In an earlier, popular article, I gave you a strategic planning framework, samples, and examples for creating your organization’s mission statement, vision statement, values, and goals. Want to know more about strategic planning implementation now that you have created your strategic planning framework? Strategic planning implementation is at the heart of how to make change of any kind happen in your organization. Start by answering why your organization might want to embark on a strategic planning process and implementation. Want to be one of the organizations, in which employees understand the mission and goals? They enjoy a 29 percent greater return than other firms. This seems like a good reason to start strategic planning implementation to me. How about you? Keys to Strategic Planning Implementation Success These are the keys to effective strategic planning implementation for your business. Full and active executive support, Effective communication, Employee involvement, Thorough organizational planning and competitive analysis, and Widespread perceived need for the strategic planning. If you are implementing your strategic planning in an organizational environment that is already employee-oriented, with a high level of trust, you start the strategic planning implementation with a huge plus. An additional plus is an organization that already thinks strategically. Unfortunately, the implementation of strategic planning most frequently occurs as an organization moves from being traditionally reactionary to strategic. So, often, learning to think strategically is part of the strategic planning implementation learning curve. Full and Active Executive Support for Successful Strategic Planning Successful strategic planning implementation requires a large commitment from executives and senior managers, whether the strategic planning is occurring in a department or in a complete organization. Executives must lead, support, follow-up, and live the results of the strategic planning implementation process. Or, the strategic planning implementation process will fail. It’s as simple as that. Without the full commitment of the organization’s senior executives, don’t even start strategic planning. Participants will feel fooled and misled. A vision statement and a mission statement, along with this year’s goals, filed, unimplemented in a cabinet or computer, is a serious source of negativity and poor employee morale. Senior leaders can do the following to create a successful strategic planning implementation process. Establish a clear vision for the strategic planning implementation process. Paint a picture of where the organization will end up and the anticipated outcomes. Make certain the picture is one of reality and not what people “wish” would occur. Make sure key employees know “why” the organization is changing. Appoint an executive champion or leader who “owns” the strategic planning implementation process and makes certain other senior managers, as well as other appropriate people in the organization, are involved.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 23:35:00 +0000

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