How to Prove Oprah Winfrey Is A Racist... Black Couple Has a White - TopicsExpress


How to Prove Oprah Winfrey Is A Racist... Black Couple Has a White Child. he following story relates how a black couple gave birth to a white child with blue eyes and blond curly hair bodyodd.msnbc.msn/_news/2010/07/20/4715095-white-b... The issue involving Miss Winfrey is that for decades, she and people like her have taught the belief that all white people are born racist and privileged because they are white and that black people cant be racists because only the majority population can be racist. But contradicting herself, she also addresses how every other race on the face of the planet are racist towards blacks but that blacks cannot be racist towards them either which is pure ignorance... and isnt ignorance of this nature a cornerstone for defining racism? Still not enough? Consider this. White supremists teach that in being white, they are born privileged because of the color of their skin and isnt that exactly what Oprah is preaching? They teach that even a white man living in a dumspter is better than a wealthy black man living in a penthouse suite... and ironically enough, Oprah preaches the exact same message only in her case, shes doing it to exploit how blacks feel like victims while white supremists do it trying to teach that they are superior to blacks... and yet, its the same damned message interpreted differently but used to manipulate people for essentially the same reason... promoting racial division and racial hatred. Strange that no ones figured this out isnt it? Now we have a case where a black couple has given birth to a white, blond haired blue eyed baby which according to Miss Winfrey was automatically born more privileged than his parents just by being born white and to white racists, he would also be viewed as being privileged because he was born white. There is no knowledge of interracial relationships in the family history , but if there is it would likely be in the distant past and possibly carried in the genes of both parents. Now some of you will say Im being harsh about Oprah Winfrey or even unfair. However, its time we put this nonsense by ignorant people like Miss Winfrey on the table and if the sheet fits... she should wear it. People like Oprah Winfrey have preached their message of hate, ignorance and bigotry for decades until creating a climate where we finally have our first black President elected by a majority white voting base who would not have won had he not pulled the votes of Conservative Democrats, Independents and Republican swing voters furious with their political party. And yet throughout his bid to be President and after winning the presidency, President Barack Obamas Liberal and Socialist supporters have done nothing but attack not just Conservative Republicans, but Conservative Democrats, Independents and anyone who dares criticize or condemn Obama (including other Liberals) like they would any other candidate is branded a racist. Yet when confronted, most of these people back down admitting the same would be said if the President were white. The Tea Party is attacked as racist even though almost everyone in intellectual circles and civil rights groups are trying to tell us that only a fringe element are racists. Time and again the political left who hate the Tea Party jumped to conclusions such as when Joe Stack flew his plane into an Austin Texas building, death threats were made against Nancy Pelosi and a car bomber is stopped in New York... in each case, these were either Liberal Democrats or actual Arab extremists but those who hate the Tea Party immediately assumed these were right wing terrorist extremists. A Kentucky census worker is found dead in a cemetery and again, it must be the political right they said... then we learn that the facts either pointed to leftwing drug dealers or he killed himself which the latter proved true. Then you have the Southern Poverty Law Center putting out stories about a rise in rightwing political extremism presenting 75 cases which were unrelated, some never happened, others no one knows what the motivation was and in at least two proven cases... the so called rightwing extremists were actually leftwing extremists. The crime list went all the way back to the Oklahoma City Bombing committed by Timothy McVeigh and for all that time, they could only come up with 75 cases of which a great number didnt happen, no one knows the motivation or were committed by leftwingers... thats called grasping at straws and its called lying! Then the SPLC starts running stories claiming that these rightwing militias sprang up after Obama was elected and were motivated by racism. Then they began telling us there was a 3000% increase in militia activity which even many on the political left found incredible because they werent hearing anything about these groups nor seeing them which such an increase should have created a more tangible presence nobody was seeing. Then a militia group gets busted in Michigan and people on the political left are going AHA! Only, it was then revealed that this group formed well before we knew Obama would be President and further investigation found that most of the militias formed either before the election even began, during the election before we knew Obama would even be nominated by the Democrats or soon after he won but almost none of them were preaching a message of racism against Obama... they were instead attacking the entire federal government as they had done under Bush sr long before the election that removed him from office. You have noticed that since these revelations that the SPLC somewhat fell off the face of the Earth and weve barely heard a peep from them since right? Now you know why... they got busted making up and falsifying the information they were providing. The Tea Party is now the focus of accusations of racism and yet, once again, almost all intellectual centers and civil rights groups are trying to tell us that its only a fringe element at best that may be racist and groups like the NAACP are guilty of the same thing. In fact, all these false accusations of racism are what transformed the Tea Party from a few local meetings into a massive political movement. Likewise, falsely accusing the political right of racism vastly increased support for them and blew up in the face of Democrats even as they fell against one another and began accusing one another of racism. In the case of Shirley Sherrod, we see the political left at first buying the story like anyone else to the point Sherrod was fired and few people were defending her. But among those who were defending Sherrod were also people like Glenn Beck who tried to tell people to wait and not pass judgment because we may not know all the facts in this case. We know, however, that Miss Sherrod resigned which struck even many Liberals at first as strange if she were innocent because it was clear Sherrod was a fighter and yet apparently didnt put up a fight at all or even tell the Obama Administration that the vidclip was taken out of context... almost as if she knows theres more out there that could be used against her thats more recent and she knew someone would dig it up. This is speculation on my part but the fact remains that the President of the NAACP condemned her, the White House fired her and it was only when the full video came out that the political left felt that Sherrod was innocent and went on the attack only blaming the political right rather than condemning the NAACP and the White House with equal condemnation for not investigating further when everyone had to know there was a longer video from which the vidclip was taken. And yet, its the Republicans who are haters and hypocrites!!??? The point of this rant is to address how people like Oprah Winfrey have reversed racism in this country to where just by being black makes you a victim and unprivileged and by being born white you are automatically privileged... the same identical belief taught by white supremists which we define as racism and yet when Oprah does it, its not??? So what happens when a black couple gives birth to a white child and by Oprahs racist ideological beliefs... we have no choice but to see the child as being born privileged and superior to his parents because of it??!! I say thats bullshit and people need to stop looking the other way/ Oprah Winfrey and others like her teaching this racist garbage need to be called on it and put down like a rabid dog because like all racists... thats what they are. The thing I have always found funny about Oprah is how she always questions how white people didnt know that they were racists in the 60s... an even more important question now might be to ask her how it is she doesnt know that she and people like her are also racists. We are in this country together for the long haul and for almost two centuries of talk about race war, it has yet to happen and doesnt look like it ever will. Miss Sherrod brought up another point about racism that I feel is even more important. Under the Democrats of the 1960s, white men victimized and even killed black people which at the time was more common than black on black crime and violence. But since the Liberals ascended to dominance within the Democratic Party, the violence against blacks has grown far far worse and the only difference is that instead of white people victimizing them... almost all of it is black on black crime. Something most people miss when they talk about racism is what hate is. Hate isnt a political movement and you could have a room full of people who hate another race... and yet only one out of a thousand might ever commit an act of violence or wrongdoing against the group they profess to hate... and if they do, often it was like during segregation where if white owned businesses didnt do what the KKK told them, they could be burned to the ground or their owners might even be killed. But at the heart of hate, the worst form of hate which is always being addressed by civil rights groups is the desire to see harm befall black Americans in regard to black and white race relations. These haters do not care if its a white person harming black people, black people harming black people or little green men from Mars harming black people... and if they can get black people to harm their own worse than they ever did, then mores the better. In an ironic twist of fate, modern white supremacy may have taken on a new form where pretending to represent black civil rights while allowing all the problems in the black community to worsen... white racists have in fact convinced black Americans that they are their friends and trying to help them when the truth is quite the opposite. One need only look at the disproportionate percentage of crime committed by black Americans in this country and then examine that most of this crime and violence is directed at other black people to realise that even if you disagree with me, that the abuses and violence befalling black Americans today at the hands of other black Americans is just as bad or worse than it was with the KKK in control of the Democratic Party. I honestly would like to see Oprah address this white child born to a black couple... because she would either have to contradict everything shes ever said about racism or tell these parents that their child is a born racist and more privileged because of it than they will ever be.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 16:14:12 +0000

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