How to Regenerate Your Body, Joints, and Nerves for improved - TopicsExpress


How to Regenerate Your Body, Joints, and Nerves for improved Health, Performance and Longevity – Part 1 After filming Extreme Military Fitness Elite and going over my notes over the last year of developing this program it dawned on me that while most training CAN make you really strong and conditioned, most of it is unsustainable in the long run. What I mean is that even though I worked with the 70lb and 88lb Kettlebells (KB) in my program and got crazy strong, that does not mean that if I were to keep doing it I would be able to do the same program with 300lb KBs at the same level of reps and intensity, even if I were to get my hands on these alleged KBs. Further, after a set period of increasing intensity, it seems you hit a point of diminishing returns. That is why there are recovery periods and “de-load” weeks in all intelligent training programs. If you could keep on increasing intensity forever then people who squat for 20 years would be able to keep adding weight as long as they trained the lift and we would have 4,000 lb squats by now. I mean, if dedicated powerlifters have hit the 1,000lb mark after five years of solid training (even if they are on the juice), then why does it not keep multiplying over a 20 year career? The body needs periods of rest and REGENERATION as much as it needs periods of exertion and going all out. In the next series of articles I will be conducting an experiment on myself to see how to best incorporate these strategies to regenerate my body and increase my longevity. On the training side of the house, I will be doing the following training cycle over a two week period, for a total of 6 training cycles over a 12 week period: Workout 1: SLO-MO body movements focusing on breathing, alignment and balance Workout 2: Kettlebell circuits focusing on form, alignment, and balance with 35lb KB Workout 3: 12 minutes of Turkish Get-Up done very slowly with 1 breath cycle per movement of the TGU while wearing the MMA elevation mask to train in hypoxic state Workout 4: SLO-MO body movements focusing on breathing, alignment and balance Workout 5: Kettlebell circuits focusing on form, alignment, and balance with 35lb KB Workout 6: Uphill Sprint Intervals with MMA elevation mask to boost GH while in hypoxic state I will finish each workout with my friend Peter Ragnar Crane’s Nest exercise, which is an isometric wall sit holding on to two 5lb magnetic thunderballs while running the microcosmic orbit for a certain number of cycles. I am currently at 18 cycles and increase it by one cycle every week. If what you just read does not make any sense then just think isometric wall sit for time. After that I will add my new spine lengthening and regeneration routine to each workout: Three sets of the following: 1. 2 min hold in the bottom of the squat position while barefoot on a bosu 2. 2 min hanging upside down using gravity boots 3. 30 sec hold of the gymnastic bridge continually pushing the chest out to expand ribcage, sternum and upper spine Of course I will continue to do my joint mobility every morning, and I will add three stretching sessions a week followed by the foam or rumble roller to enhance recovery. While just as important, but not as pertinent to many of the readers, perform my new meditation practices twice a day. On the nutrition side of the house I will focus on the following principles: 1. Eat as close to nature as possible 2. No pills, tablets or “manufactured” supplements 3. Three meals and a snack to allow digestive system to recuperate 4. Increase real food “supplements” to my meals – olive oil, moringa, pine pollen, sea weed, flax seed powder, maca 5. Drink my own tonic tea made from REAL plants using a coffee maker at home of – nettle, moringa, green tea, chaga, and chamomile 6. I will consider using my own homemade tincture of ginseng, Fo-Ti, and deer antler if merited or on a case by case basis 7. 1 gallon of water a day and NO artificial liquids 8. Fasting day drinking only my specialty tea every 1-2 weeks or when practical In the next series of articles I will dive deeper and explain the workouts in more detail as well as give examples on how I am incorporating my new nutrition guidelines. Very respectfully, Eric Guttmann ericguttmann/moving-freely/ ericguttmann/self-reliance-manifesto/ ericguttmann/extreme-military-fitness/
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 13:36:29 +0000

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