How to Repel What Threatens the Ummah and Muslims Shaykh Sa’d - TopicsExpress


How to Repel What Threatens the Ummah and Muslims Shaykh Sa’d bin Naasir ash-Shithree [May Allaah Preserve him]: True manhood is defined by the ability of men to eradicate what threatens them. When the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] passed away, the calamity of his death and the threat of the enemies of the Ummah remained behind. This was what tested the Companions [May Allaah be Pleased with them all] as well as several other factors: The Arab were new to Islaam thus their vulnerability to remain as Muslims became a test. After the death of the Prophet, the Companions were geographically separated, this also become a test. The Roman empire was a superpower and after the death of the Prophet the Muslims may have seemed as easy targets, that was a threat. Despite all of this, Aboo Bakr and the Companions [may Allaah be Pleased with them all] overcame these threats and exemplified manhood. Therefore, our manhood is purely dependent on our ability to overcome what threatens us. All of us have initiatives that we can all exercise and benefit the Ummah by. For example, the scholars of the Sharee’ah use the Islaamic texts in order to gain a solution for what threatens us, resulting in us becoming one Ummah, united upon honour, supported and our rank raised in the Dunyaa and the Aakhirah. This is based on three affairs: Firstly, the Sharee’ah is based on the Book and the Sunnah. We are aware that divine admonitions are universal and is not bound by time or location. There is never an affair that effects the Ummah except that the Quraan and the Sunnah has a medication for it. Secondly, revising history: whether it be ancient or modern history, we must pay heed to the people that have passed away and the personalities of individuals and their influence. Even the passing of nations contains a lesson for us, all of their affairs have been displayed to us – coming generations after them. All of this in order for us to talk and revise the lessons within them. This is how we benefit from the information we have received about them. لَقَدْ كَانَ فِي قَصَصِهِمْ عِبْرَةٌ لِأُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ “Indeed in their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding.” [Yoosuf 12: 111] Thirdly, we can benefit from recent history. Lets take Saudi Arabia. This is a country which is based on the ‘Aqeedah as-Salafiyyah (orthodox Islaam which takes its teachings directly from the sources of the Quraan and Sunnah, not to be confused with claims of extremism). Its very first call was to call to the worship of the One Who Belongs the Dominion and then to be united under one King, King ‘Abdul-‘Azeez. Its banner is ‘There is no god but Allaah and that Muhammad is His Messenger’. With this, a constitution based upon the Sharee’ah of al-Islaam was made its infrastructure was the Quraan. This is the basis of the slogan that has been coined, ‘Dustooree al-Quraan’ (trans. My constitution is al-Quraan). From this basis, we all have gained many advantages and virtues; -The symbols of the religion are apparent and everywhere. -Security is widespread. Before the surfacing of the Saudi state, people lived in a sense of constant fear (much like the Ummah today). There was tribal warfare, famine, disunity, and Allaah, the Glorified and the Exalted, exchanged their state and made them a united nation. Tribes and clans killing one another and spilling innocent blood, became by the Favour of Allaah, brothers who were united under one banner and country. Tribes then began to intermarry, trade, build relations and prosperity and mutual respect had spread, all united for the sake of Allaah. We differed in our clothes, food, health, unity, education, and as a nation, we were debased. As a result of this unity, it found that it was able to put into practice Islaamic practices, being at the forefront of doing so which has impacted the wider population. So it is incumbent for the Ummah to benefit from this lesson in order to remove what effected Saudi Arabia before it became a land of peace. The position of the scholars is always based on the Kitaab and the Sunnah. A scholar cannot give a cure or a point of benefit except if it is has been based on the teachings of the Islaamic Sharee’ah. We are in no need of looking for solutions of our problems elsewhere and in other societies. If we learn from history and put its lessons into practices we will prosper, other we will be in lost. For example, it is not correct for someone to call to communism, when today we observe that communism societies have been corrupted and failed. Secularism and liberalism has become widespread in most countries today, its been praised and raised in its status. For us to stand upright and avoid deviation, it is upon us to return our way and methodology to the origin of the affair; the sources of Islaam, we need to benefit from history, benefit from what has been tried and tested. We have sects and parties in this Ummah, they have become widespread and the countries have become corrupted, so whatever has been implemented besides al-Islaam has failed as we are in no need for it. [Summarised from this clip: youtube/watch?v=IqEHXhjp_64] Courtesy of Ahl dhikr blog
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 05:33:06 +0000

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