How to Steal a Million is a 1966 heist comedy film, directed by - TopicsExpress


How to Steal a Million is a 1966 heist comedy film, directed by William Wyler and starring Audrey Hepburn, Peter OToole, Eli Wallach and Hugh Griffith. The picture is set and was filmed in France, though the characters speak entirely in English. Audrey Hepburns clothes were designed by Givenchy. Charles Bonnet is a highly skilled art forger who pretends to be an art collector. His daughter Nicole disapproves of his forgeries and is afraid that he may get caught. At the beginning of the film, he loans a renowned statue of Cellinis Venus to the Kléber-Lafayette Museum as the centerpiece of an important upcoming exhibition. However, the statue had been made by Nicoles grandfather and would fail even a basic materials analysis. That night, while Charles is at the exhibitions opening event, Nicole hears a noise. She finds Simon Dermott holding a Van Gogh that her father made recently. Believing him to be a burglar, she aims a gun at him and accidentally shoots him. She does not call the police to avoid an investigation around the fake masterpiece, so she cleans Simons wound and drives him to his hotel, and he kisses her goodbye outside the building. Some time later, Nicole is having dinner with wealthy American tycoon, Davis Leland. She is suspicious of Davis, believing he knows her father is an art forger. He confesses to Nicole he is obsessed with owning the Cellini Venus, and arranged the dinner in order to convince her to sell it to him. Relieved that he doesnt suspect anything, she kisses him and tells him that the statue is not for sale. The next day, an employee from the museum arrives at Charles home and asks for Charless signature on the one million dollar insurance policy for the sculpture. After signing it, the man reveals that the Venus will undergo a technical examination the following Friday. Desperate to save her father from being caught and sent to prison, Nicole meets with Simon and asks him to steal the Venus for her. They both examine the museums security measures, with Simon initially showing very little understanding of how they can steal the Venus. On the night of the heist, Davis shows up again at Nicole and Charles home before Nicole can leave to meet Simon. David is so in love with the Cellini and desperate to acquire it that he asks her to marry him. Not wanting to be late, she quickly takes the ring and leaves for the museum. Nicole and Simon hide in a utility closet until the museum closes. After making note of how often the guards check the museum, Simon sets off the security alarm surrounding the Cellini Venus using a boomerang he had bought a few days before. The guards and police rush in and check the museum, but upon finding that nothing is missing, they soon leave and the alarm is reset. Simon reveals that he knew all along that the statue was a fake because it resembled Nicole (it was modeled after her grandmother.) He only stayed with Nicole because he was in love with her, and they kiss. Simon then sets off the alarms again. After realizing that nothing is missing, the frustrated guards turn the security system completely off. Simon steals the statue and escapes with Nicole through the basement. The next morning, after the news of the robbery has spread, Davis quickly looks for a lead in the missing statue, desperate to get to it at any cost. He meets Simon, who says he will give the Venus to him, but that he can never mention the statue to anyone, or see Nicole again because it is crucial to the operation. After Davis left, Nicole joins Simon at his table to celebrate the robbery. Simon finally reveals to Nicole (still believing him to be a professional burglar) that he is in fact a college-educated art expert and investigator hired by the worlds largest galleries to strengthen security and uncover forgeries. The Cellini Venus was, in fact, his first heist. Later, at the steps of a private plane, Simon passes Davis the Venus. When he opens the box, Davis also finds Nicoles engagement ring. Simon assures Charles that the fake Venus is safely out of the country. Charles is so relieved at the news that hes only momentarily disappointed when Simon tells him that the purchase price was, and will remain, zero dollars. Simon and Nicole extract a promise from Charles that he will stop selling forged paintings. Nicole and Simon get married. As they leave the mansion, however, a South American collector who had enthusiastically admired Charles new Van Gogh at the start of the film pulls up in a car and is warmly welcomed by the old forger.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 06:21:10 +0000

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